
Blazen! is a BlazBlue fancomic made by Shadow Draygon, a member of the Guilty Gear forum Dustloop. It uses in-game sprites and official artwork, and is a mostly self-contained gag series which takes the characters' most notable traits and exaggerates them or completely changes them, with Hazama tending to be the main focus.

The main page could be found here, but it seems to have vanished. As a result most links on this page are now kind of dead. Beware; major BlazBlue spoilers end up as regular jokes in the comics.

On September 11, 2011, the comic ended/was canceled.

Tropes used in Blazen! include:
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: Makoto catches Tsubaki in the middle of...some private time... and tells Tsubaki that if she keeps it up, she'll go blind. Tsubaki dismisses her, but the next time she gets ready to "have fun"...
  • Affectionate Parody: "BEEEEEEEEES!" is a Take That at the GameSpot preview of Continuum Shift, which infamously got Arakune's bio completely wrong.
  • Ascended Meme: Cristina Valenzuela, Noel’s voice actor, dubbed one of the comics!
  • Berserk Button: Don't joke about how dead Nine is in front of Jubei.
  • Boundary Bros.: Hakumen and Arakune.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: The comic's version of Litchi.
  • Blah Blah Blah: Used to great effect by Terumi in this comic: "Filler: Extra Arcade Story"
  • Brick Joke: Venom's "Dark Angel" super goes through EVERYTHING, a tradition continued from Holy Zen!, one of Shadow Draygon's earlier comics. So far it's come out of Mu-12's cocoon and Take-Mikazuchi.
    • To elaborate, an earlier Holy Zen! strip had Venom launch a Dark Angel at Millia; it missed and went on an unstoppable rampage, bulldozing through Sol and Testament playing a Tabletop Game (which Testament was about to Rage Quit due to Sol's stupidity), and Axl and Potemkin adventuring together, amongst other things.
  • The Cameo: Several from Holy Zen!, but Sol stalks Makoto regularly due to his hatred of squirrels.
    • The rogue Dark Angel as launched by Venom also makes a couple of cameo appearences.

Venom: Where the hell do those Dark Angels keep going?

  • Call Back: In "Sparklicious", Platinum the Trinity comments on how LSD is a helluva drug. Rachel replying gives the impression that Platinum's talking to her, but it's more likely she's talking to Gii - who was referenced as having an LSD stash in "Rachel in Wonderland". Gii bowing and blushing in that same panel all but confirms this.
  • The Chew Toy: Noel, just...Noel. Even Shadow Draygon makes fun of her in her character description.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: The comic in general uses this as its driving source of humor.
  • Everything's Worse with Bears: During Bang and Carl's ninja camping trip, Carl gets kidnapped by Bang's Arch Enemy, the "Killer Pirate Cyborg Bear"
  • Faux Affably Evil: Hazama, Jin, and Litchi, among others.
  • Gag Dub: Occasionally, Shadow Draygon will upload a chapter of a dance-themed translation of the official BlazBlue: Chimelical Complex comic.
  • Groin Attack: Bang receives one of the most painful kind...from a mouth with razored edges.
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Unlike his situation in the actual game, Carl's traumatic childhood experiences and relationship with Relius in Blazen! is Played for Laughs more than anything.
    • In "Summer Vacation," the abuse is accidental. This does not stop it from being hilarious.
  • Hostile Show Takeover: The series begins with Shadow Draygon's previous comic, Holy Zen!, being taken over by the BlazBlue cast. Later, Hazama steals the plot and an army of Robo-Kys take over the comic for a while.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Litchi, as evidenced by the Complete Monster entry above.
  • Jerkass: Who else but Jin "God of Assholes" Kisaragi?
  • Literal Split Personality: Without Terumi inhabiting the "Hazama" body, it is kind, well-mannered, helpful, and overly cheerful. However, it still seems to possess a little bit of trolly goodness, though more indirect: see Mushroom Samba below.
    • Sure Why Not: The latest side novel, Phase Shift 1, introduces a character called Kazuma who turns out to be Hazama without Terumi inside of him.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Bang "By all of Ikaruga, I must tap that!" Shishigami.
  • Mushroom Samba: Rachel gets some LSD slipped into her tea by "Hazama"; that is, Hazama's body without the ghost of Terumi inside it and imagines herself in an RPG style universe.
  • Mythology Gag: The comic as a whole relies a lot on these for most of its jokes. Such as the example for A Date with Rosie Palms above, for Tsubaki.
  • Planet of Hats: The "Awesome Hat Alliance" created by Carl, which deems that only awesome people can wear hats. Anyone who wears a hat and is not considered awesome gets their hat confiscated as a warning. It appears that Hazama, Tsubaki, I-no and Johnny have all joined as well.
  • Shmuck Bait: One of the most popular strips has Hazama set up a booth with the sign "Stay Calm For 30 Seconds, Win $10". Needless to say, many, many people try to win the challenge. They all fail. Jin comes close to succeeding by counter-trolling, but misses the mark by 1 millisecond. He did manage to draw Terumi out, though.
    • At first it looks like Makoto was the first to beat the game...only to learn that it was not Hazama, but Sol Badguy in a Hazama mask. Due to his hatred of squirrels (another Holy Zen! reference), he promptly scorches the surrounding area, traps Makoto inside the burning booth, and muzzles Hype Dog.
  • Shout-Out/To Shakespeare: Relius is VERY fond of quoting Shakespeare and theater in general.
  • Time Travel: Thanks to a few mishaps with this, two Hazamas come into existence at the same time, and actually meet with each other. Thank goodness that one was much less of a jerk than the other.
  • Trolling Creator: The final comic might as well have been a picture of the author saying "fuck you all, I'm out of here."
  • Villain Protagonist: Quite often Hazama. Some have said that he may as well be the main character of the comic.
  • What Does This Button Do?: In #72: Override, Terumi invokes this while messing with Relius' new device, which controls Lambda-11.
  • Yandere: Nu, moreso than her game counterpart. She'll KILL anyone who gets in the way of HER Ragna, and then activate hug.exe when near him (which involves stabbing him through the chest and going deeper and deeper every second).
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