< Blaze Union
Blaze Union/YMMV
Subjective things for Blaze Union.
- Alternate Character Interpretation:
- In route A, is Medoute a tragic but noble heroine who was willing to choose what she thought was right even over her relationships with Gulcasa and Gram Blaze, or did she leap for the Idiot Ball after letting her racism and paranoia get the better of her? Or is her dragonslayer blood actively turning her into a racist Knight Templar, with Medoute simply in denial about it and projecting her own plight on Gulcasa?
- Baretreenu can easily be construed as wanting to be a good parent but neither understanding how to be one nor knowing that her methods are rather twisted. Some A route events lend themselves to this theory, since she shows more personality in that path than in route C.
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: Before the game's opening animation was released, there was a lot of complaining that Sting seemed to be milking Yggdra Union's success, and worry over the changes on the development team. Then Famitsu leaked the OP. Upon the sight of the fandom's beloved Imperial Army and the realization that this game would involve the Bronquian Revolution, there was much screaming--and a large faction of people immediately began begging Atlus for an English release, to no avail.
- Angst? What Angst?: According to what she says, there would indeed be angst if Sleip weren't drunk all the time, but between the alcohol and the hitting on Garlot, you'd never know the hell she went through.
- Anti-Climax Boss: Soltier: in route A, mostly because that route gives you the three characters best at handling him.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: ...And he's a major pain in the ass to fight in route C, where Gulcasa, Nessiah and Baldus aren't at your disposal and thus you have to deal with all those status ailments on your own.
- Anvilicious: Remember, kids, revenge is bad, and demons are Always Chaotic Evil.
- Crack is Cheaper: If you want to import the game, it's 60 USD. Then there's the 30 USD soundtrack, the 20 USD guide, and the upcoming artbook, which will probably cost around the same. That adds up to $130. If you want Pamela (and the rest of the canon story), you also need Yggdra Union, which is another 30 USD to import, and its merchandise (soundtrack and artbook/guide), which adds up to another 30 USD each. Your total is $220 by now. Gaiden Game Yggdra Unison, which stars a lot of Blaze Union's cast, is yet another 50 USD to import, and then there's its merchandise (guide, soundtrack, drama CD). Oh right, and you're going to want the series sourcebook if you want to know the details of Nessiah's backstory. After that, there's the rest of the series. Yikes.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Byff.
- Fanon Discontinuity: They aren't very common, but a few fans out there deny this game because of it's lack of plot until the endings, which ended up rather rushed. The more common variety simply ignore anything that isn't developed by Ito or isn't one of the Dept. Heaven Episodes.
- However, there are also a number of people that prefer the option of choosing a different future for the characters, making it more of a Contested Sequel.
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: Siskier is terrified of heights and spends the first battlefield in Chapter 2 trying not to panic when traversing the wooden-bridge mountain path to Flarewerk, to the great amusement of all. In one route, she dies jumping from a high place.
- Game Breaker: The Vise card, which helps in battles even if it isn't used optimally, but basically exists to exploit Garlot's most broken battle effect (Flash Attacks do double to triple the usual damage). Of course Gulcasa is one; Emilia also is, but you don't want to overuse her.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The bad ending of route B--or rather, being shown what it really looks like when someone with Brongaa's blood snaps--tends to scare people.
- Ho Yay: Garlot and Nessiah.
- Foe Yay: Garlot and Leon.
- Soltier and Garlot.
- Foe Yay: Garlot and Leon.
- Iron Woobie: Garlot/Gulcasa.
- Memetic Badass: Emilia, due to her new True Final Boss status in route B.
- Memetic Molester: Same character, for the same reasons. It does not help at all that battle and killing are actually legitimately arousing to people with Brongaa's blood, that Emilia really sounds like she's enjoying herself, and Ai Nonaka is far too skilled an actress for this to have been unintentional.
- Moe: Nearly every party member.
- Eimi alone will cute your face right off. Luciana, Aegina, Eater and Nessiah are also ridiculously adorable, and there's a reason why people have taken to miswriting Garlot's Catch Phrase (燃え上がってみせるぜ!) with the wrong kanji for "moe".
- Leaked screenshots seem to suggest that instead of just giving her the prophecy and going on his merry way, Nessiah actually spends some time traveling with Eimi. Prepare for death by cute.
- That One Boss: Ordene and Emilia.
- Given how badly Nessiah has been nerfed and the fact that he doesn't even use Reincarnation the first time you have to fight him, why does he still rate as one of the most difficult bosses of the game? Superior tactics, incessant status effects (when most of your party has low GEN and can't avoid them!), Item Break, and blanketing the screen in mooks.
- That One Attack: Jihad, Genocide, Reincarnation.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Poor Garlot. A number of sites still claim that he's a woman, and a lot of fans still wouldn't believe it even after hearing his quite masculine voice.
- The Woobie: A large percentage of the cast can apply for this position. Take your pick, folks.
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