Blaster Knuckle
Blaster Knuckle is a manga by Shizuya Wazarai. Set in America in the 1880s, this series takes place in an alternate history where KKK members are actually flesh-eating demons, using the racism of the time as an excuse to hunt and eat black people. One man named Victor "Bloody Rain" Freeman knows their secret, and has made it his quest to hunt down and kill as many as possible. However, the demons only change shape at night, and turn back in the morning without anybody knowing better. To do so, he uses the titular Blaster Knuckle, a modified gauntlet that shoots silver bullets on contact.
Blaster Knuckle ran for a short 20 chapters and was then discontinued. Still a fun read for mindless action. It's also interesting to note that the mangaka was good friends with Kentaro Miura in high school. Yes, that Miura.
- Anachronism Stew: The American South looks more like the American West.
- Author Appeal: Boxing
- Covers Always Lie: Or translation notes do, anyway. The KKK is limited to a single scene lasting a few pages.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Victor's Slayer training has him operating in blatantly superhuman range. Apart from the speed mentioned below, he also punches hard enough to collapse skulls and leave fist-shaped craters where faces used to be.
- Dodge the Bullet: Victor's insane boxing skills allow him to read the movements of people trying to shoot him and accordingly evade the shot before it's even fired.
- Further into the manga, Vic proves to be fast enough to dodge bullets after they have been fired. At one point he moves with enough speed to vanish before his opponents' eyes and circle behind them before they even notice that he has moved.
- Exotic Weapon Supremacy: Despite using many other weapons, Victor's most often used (and effective) is a set of metal knuckles with several shotgun barrels built into them.
- Genius Bruiser: The secret demon slaying society Training from Hell also included educational classes on par with a military academy, while also turning all of the kids into super human fighters.
- Hero with Bad Publicity: And how![context?]
- Lightning Bruiser: Victor again.
- Power Fist: The titular weapon
- Scary Black Man: Victor
- Shoot the Dog: Vic has to do this a lot