< Blackest Night

Blackest Night/Funny

It's like The Odd Couple to the power of seven.

Blackest Night

  • Hal Jordan shoving Larfleeze's snout into the Orange Lantern Battery in order to force him to shut up and charge his ring.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Alex DeWitt returning in a refrigerator, with a Black Lantern magnet on the door. Then Mood Whiplash sets in as she pulls Kyle into the fridge and forces him to see her murder, with him in Major Force's role.
    • Bonus points: /co/ had a Black Lantern Fridge as a running gag for a while.
  • While this is technically after the main story ends (but still within #8, so it counts), Barry punching the resurrected (and rejuvenated) Captain Boomerang in the face is just hilarious, as is his "spaz-out" when he sees all the resurrected heroes and villains.
  • The end of Larfleeze vs. Luthor. "Victory is mine, baldy! The Orange Battery is mine. And if you had any hair, I'd take that, too!"
    • Screw the end of it. How did Larfleeze knock out Luthor? Throwing the Orange Power Battery at the back of Luthor's bald head in the middle of his dramatic speech.
    • Furthermore, as pointed out by Sinestro: "You finally gave someone something, you ridiculous rodent." "I didn't... You..."
  • Related, when Luthor was being restrained by Star Sapphire Wonder Woman:

Orange Lantern Lex Luthor: "The t-truth... What I really want... Is to be Superman."
Star Sapphire Wonder Woman: "Of course, you do."

  • Deadman possesses Jason Blood to get Etrigan to use his firepower to save Red Robin and Batman. Being possessed, Etrigan has no recollection of the possession and once Red Robin and Batman are safe and Deadman leaves, he finds himself suddenly surrounded by zombies. His indignation as he stomps off in disgust is priceless:

Why have I been summoned here? What has that fool, Blood, put me in the middle of?
Hands off me, vile creatures!
The varied abominations this city regurgitates puts even hell to shame.

  • At the end of everyone reciting their own Lantern creeds, Larfleeze simply goes "Eh?"
  • After reading every single trade paperback having to do with Blackest Night, the only single moment in the entire thing that this troper found particularly funny is when Lex Luthor is hidden away in his layer, and suddenly, several dozen Black Lantern zombies break the door down, and they are all shouting "LUTHOR!!!" That actually made me laugh.
  • Any time Larfleeze is flaunting his power or exhibiting his pure avarice only for the Black Lanterns to show up:

Larfleeze: Yuh-oh....

    • (Heck, most of Larfleeze's appearances are damned funny.)
  • When Flash and Hal team up to combat the zombiefied Martian Manhunter, Flash reveals that there was a reason for all the chemicals he had spilled around J'onn's feet. Hal comes in and lobs one of Commissioner Gordon's squad cars at it, expanding that they're all flammable. His Post Mortem One Liner?
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