< Black Widow
Black Widow/Playing With
Basic Trope: A female character whose primary goal is to seduce, marry and kill rich men so as to inherit their money.
- Played Straight: Maud is unbelievably gorgeous and seductive but also greedy, amoral and manipulative. She often goes to bars and singles' clubs to seduce rich and successful men, marry them... and then kill them in cold blood by making them "have an accident".
- Exaggerated: Maud doesn't even care if the men she seduces are rich or married. If they fall for her, she will kill them and their whole family as well.
- Downplayed: Gold Digger
- Justified: Maud was actually always The Mistress of the men who fell for her, who promised her that they would leave their wives for her. After too many rounds of false promises, she decides that all men need to pay for what was done to her.
- Inverted: The Bluebeard
- Subverted: Maud uses her usual tricks to seduce some random rich guy who eventually sees through her deception and has her arrested by the police.
- Double Subverted: However, she still manages to seduce her jailers and she escapes from prison.
- Parodied: She's so obiously going to kill the husband, such as ordering hitmen in front of him, or measuring him for a coffin while they're in bed. Or them immediatly trying to pick up his rich friends at his funeral, maybe getting married the very next day.
- Deconstructed: After one or two marrigaes the police immeidatly catch on to the trend and end up putting her away.
- Reconstructed: She kills her husband in an accident that she ensures can't be traced back to her. Then milks her sorrow, avoiding marriage for a few years until she moves area, changes name and identity and tried again.
- Zig Zagged:??
- Averted: Maud kills men for pleasure, not for money.
- Enforced: ??
- Lampshaded: "You sure have been married many times for such a young woman, Maud..."
- Invoked: ??
- Defied: ??
- Discussed: "Why does she keep changing husbands?
- Conversed: ??
- Played For Laughs:??
- Played For Drama: ??
I do love you darling but I'll love you even more if you put me in your will...
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