Black Tapestries
Black Tapestries is a long running (though no longer updated) webcomic about a world called Raekarta which is home to Humans, and a race of anthroanimals called Kaetif. The story stares Lorelei, an immortal werefox who likely already wants to kill you. The story mostly details the conflicts between Humans and Kaetif, the various attempts of the Order to capture Lorelei, and how series antagonist Issac is involved.
The comic is written and drawn by Jakkal. It was started in 2002, though was abandoned in 2007. It was going to be started up again in 2008, but after a couple filler pages the comic was again abandoned. In February 2010 Jakkal has announced that she will be rebooting the comic, but this has yet to happen. Recently though, it has been announced that the comic will be rebooted on July 11, 2011.
- Abandoned Info Page: Originally the pages just had outdated stuff about the characters and plot. Now the links to any of the info pages are just flat-out broken.
- Action Girl: Lorelei
- Animorphism: Lorelei and Issac.
- Bolivian Army Hiatus: This is not alone!!!
- Conflicting Loyalty: Tristan doesn't seem to know if he should side with his friends, or his father.
- Cursed with Awesome: Sort of. Lorelei and Issac are both immortal, but they still both feel pain. Lorelei is also a werefox, but she doesn't like that at all.
- Deadpan Snarker:Lorelei. Also counts as Lemony Narrator.
- Death by Origin Story: Lorelei's parents. Alaura.
- Face Heel Turn: Tristan. Apparently a case of Brainwashed and Crazy.
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot: A few comics were Lorelei, Issac or another character answer mail from readers. About half of the mail were people complaining about Lorelei not liking her werefox form, while others were questions about plot elements.
- Filler Strips: The most notable is the most recent one which, not only is a big advertisement for the author's RP site, but is also unfinished and the last few posts to the comic.
- Grey and Grey Morality: A lot.
- Groin Attack: Lorelei's usual method of fighting off a male attacker.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Tristan. A Wizard Did It Did It.
- Humans Are Bastards: Played with. Yes, the humans are bastards. So are the Kaetif.
- Humanity Ensues: Alaura.
- Interspecies Romance: Issac and Alaura.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: How Lorelei gets revenge on the ringleader of the Kaetif arena.
- Karmic Transformation: Lorelei. She refuses to learn from it.
- Knight Templar: Ferral and Diur.
- Luke, I Am Your Father
- Magic Knight: The Templar Order.
- Orphaned Series: The comic hasn't been updated since 2008, though there are promises of a reboot. Both side comics, The Realm of Kaerwyn and Crimson Fury: Legend of the Red Wolf, have met the same fate as well.
- Rape as Drama: Lorelei is raped for about 3 months when she is a prisoner at the Kaetif arena in attempts to get stronger children. They only eventually stop when they determine she's incapable of bearing children.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Lorelei after she frees herself from the Kaetif arena. Also, Issac after The Order kills his wife.
- Start of Darkness: Chapter 9 for Issac.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Issac (not Isaac).
- Unsound Effect: *Other disgusting eating noises here* was used once when Lorelei was really hungry.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Issac.