Black Pawn Movement/Characters
The Black Pawns
D~ (Desmond Jones)
One of the two founders of the BPM, and one of the two primary riffers.
- Redheaded Hero
- Short Hair with Tail: With his ponytail reaching down to his back.
- Straight Man: Is often the calmer person in a riff.
A~ (Anastaisia Keyes)
One of the two founders of the BPM, and one of the two primary riffers. Known for being the snarkiest out of them all.
- Character Development: In early videos, she would often get furious at sayings such as "you're just jealous." After being Put on a Bus for a short while, she gradually started to calm down.
- Deadpan Snarker: Thrives on snark. When she's at her snarkiest, she can be outright brutal.
K~ (Katie Lalage)
- Hostile Show Takeover: Her debut involved her riffing a video solo without the knowledge of D and A (the only other riffers at the time).
- Cloudcuckoolander: She is actually as intelligent as the other two, but rarely shows it.
V~ (Valerie Wright)
- English Rose: Arguably.
Z~ (Ezekiel Trahern)
- The Hyena: A consistent trait, often interjecting quick laughing fits after some of his comments.
The Author Avatar, portrayed as somewhat aloof. One of the two "Blues Brothers."
Eiffel (Eiffel Avro)
A gigantic wolf anthro, towering over even the second-tallest of the group. The second of the two "Blues Brothers."
- Canon Immigrant: Originated as essentially nothing more than a dancing character in Second Life.
- Gentle Giant
- Malaproper
The Volturi Militia
"Make Love with War."—--The Stinger slogan at the end of their videos.
Katharine Katima
The founder of the Volturi Militia. Arrogant, snarky, and smug, she shares many traits with rival A~, but doesn't have as many of the positive traits as her counterpart.
Symon "Syme" Monet
Katharine's right hand and childhood friend.
- Shrinking Violet
- The Quiet One: Even in riffs he's in, other riffers will still be more talkative.
Millicent "Millie" Bragg
Raised in a military background, Millie often dresses in army-inspired garb. Has a thing for knives.
- Blinding Bangs: Her typical fashion.
- Funetik Aksent: A mild case, for her unknown accent.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Maximelor "Max" O'Brien
Born Christmas Day 1991 in the USSR to a Soviet mother and British father. His text is orange.
- Glorious Mother Russia: Almost entirely from his mother's side.
BPM (2212)
Crush (Jennifer "Jenne" Breathe)
A shark anthro. One of the two hosts of the Lowernet show BPM, and one of the two heads of the BPM in the future alongside her twin brother, Jaxon.
- Brother-Sister Team: Of course.
- Deadpan Snarker: Almost as much as her preset-day counterpart, A~.
- Sibling Team: With her twin brother.
Shattyr (Jaxon Breathe)
A shark anthro. One of the two hosts of the Lowernet show BPM, and one of the two heads of the BPM in the future alongside his twin sister, Jenne.
- Brother-Sister Team: Naturally.
- Sibling Team: With his twin sister.
One of the two VirSonas used by the 2212 Pawns. Demon is based on D, and is programmed based on D's personality.
The other of the two VirSonas used by the 2212 Pawns. mArley is based on A, and is likewise programmed based on A's personality. She is unusually snarky for an AI.
- Deadpan Snarker: Especially to Shattyr, to his chagrin.
Other Characters
Anaise Keyes
- Annoying Younger Sibling: A~ was not pleased to hear of her forthcoming arrival.
- Cloudcuckoolander