< Black Butler (anime)

Black Butler (anime)/YMMV

  • Angst? What Angst?: Finny's backstory includes him being locked in a stone room and experimented on for an undetermined amount of time. The amount of times he complains about this? ZERO.
  • Damsel Scrappy: Elizabeth, to most fans.
  • Die for Our Ship: When it comes to pairing up Ciel, you either go with Sebastian or Elizabeth. Well, the anime gives you only one choice at the end. And guess what? This trope is inverted. Sebastian might have Ciel's soul and technically wins over Lizzie... but only because Ciel is dead.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Sebastian.
  • Fan Nickname: Ashela and Mangela for Ash/Angela.
    • The series itself is referred to as "Kuroshit" by detractors. (And by sarcastic fans.)
  • Foe Yay: Grell attempts to have this with Sebastian.
    • Also between Sebastian and Angela/Ash.
  • Freud Was Right: Not as prominent in the manga, but the anime version of Ciel's subconscious definitely had some choice words for Vincent.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In episode 9, Finny mentions the fact he accidentally killed his pet bird when he was younger. It becomes even harsher when we realise the bird was probably his only friend when he was used as a guinea-pig.
  • Hate Dumb: Go on Gaia Online and announce your love for this series. Go on, we dare you. To clarify: The series gets a lot of angry (albeit semi-justified) hate due to the heaps of Ho Yay, Fan Service, and the Shotacon implications all throughout the series. Because of this, there are some people who won't touch it with a ten foot pole. Worse yet, there are also some who will insult and degrade you for liking it, marking you as nothing more than a mere Yaoi Fangirl who promotes pedophilia and even Satanism/Demon worshipping. Sadly, a lot of it is probably due to Hype Aversion/Hype Backlash, and some of it is probably due to some fans who have actually stated that they wish they could get tortured so that a handsome demon will come and "rescue" them, so it really works both ways in this case.
  • Het Is Ew: A large portion of the fanbase. Unsurprising, considering all the Ho Yay in the series.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Ciel can be seen as this, since he doesn't mind killing or hurting anyone who gets in the way of his plans, but at the same time, he is portrayed very sympathetically, usually because of his horrible past.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Lau.
  • Memetic Mutation: Deer-head Sebastian.
  • Too Dumb to Live - Elizabeth, you don't follow a stranger who doesn't even act as if he was human.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Finny. Grell as well, in both butler and reaper form. Ciel for some, as well.
  • The Woobie: Madam Red fits this trope to a T.
    • Honestly though, her deeds as Jack the Ripper kind of nullify her Woobie status. At the very least, they push her into Jerkass Woobie territory.
    • Even Lizzie to some.
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