< Bio-Dome


  • Who forgot to lock one of the doors in an environmental dome that was supposed to be sealed for an entire year?
    • The Idiot Pot Plot.
    • And put those incredibly easy to open windows on the habitats?
    • It's because the film takes place in a world full of morons. There, your question answered!
    • An emergency exit, perhaps? All attempts to open the main entrance failed, so they would need a way out if something went wrong.
    • Remember that any given project of that size is always built by the lowest bidder. So, yeah.
  • What was their excuse for keeping them in the dome, again? Oh yeah, that's right, letting them out would mess with their data. MORE THAN HAVING TWO COMPLETE IDIOTS RUNNING AROUND AND DESTROYING EVERYTHING WOULD.
    • They should have ended the project immediately after the "heroes" attempt to rape the two female scientists. At that point, the intruders are known to be dangerous criminals who are deliberately seeking to harm those within the dome.
      • They climbed into bed and snuggled up. They didn't try to rape anybody. It was not a cool thing to do, but they did not rush into the room and start trying to yank the female scientists' clothes off and forcibly penetrate them, so portraying them as "dangerous criminals" seems pretty disingenuous.
    • Not even the actual biodome project this film was based on was that asinine about not messing up their data. A few weeks into the project and a guy was badly injured and needed to be taken to a hospital. But him leaving the dome didn't end the project, they just went on as normal without him.
    • 1) Because it would have been a pretty short movie otherwise. 2) Some of the scientists make an argument for exactly that, ending the experiment since the values were skewed, but the lead scientist argues that they'll simply adapt the data, and tries to make plans to have Bud and Doyle impact the plans as little as possible. (His bad idea, he should have at least given them something to do.) 3) The characters presumably haven't been handed a copy of the script so that they know exactly how much trouble Bud and Doyle will be, and 4) you're complaining about a lack of logic, rationality, and realism in Bio-Dome. This is essentially like pointing out the similar failures in Adam Sandler movies, or the lack of adherence to hard, modern science in Star Trek or Star Wars.
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