< Bimbos of the Death Sun
Bimbos of the Death Sun/YMMV
- Big Name Fan: Monk Malone in the first book. Con co-founder Diefenbaker actually describes him thus when Jay asks what he did to earn such adulation.
"He's a fan. And he's very good at it."
- Crowning Moment of Funny: The Star Trek Cosplay wedding in Bimbos. Jay whispers to Marion "Will the groom be going where no man has gone before?", and they have to spend the rest of the wedding pretending they're crying.
- Moral Event Horizon: In their youth, several of the Lanthanides raped a female friend when she was drunk and passed out; applies In-Universe as well, since the narration notes that Marion's tone of voice is a lot less respectful after The Reveal.
- Never Live It Down
- Values Dissonance: When Bimbos was first published in 1988, SF/fantasy, gaming, computers, and fandom in general were still extremely niche activities. It shows in the general attitudes of the non-fan characters (and perhaps even in the writer's).
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