Bigger Than Cheeses
Bigger Than Cheeses is a humorous Web Comic chronicling the adventures of Thanatos, his Foil Duke, Duke's wife and Token Girl (and sometimes Ms. Fanservice) Natalie, penned by Desmond Seah. It can be found here.
As of strip 876 the comic has ended.
Tropes used in Bigger Than Cheeses include:
- Art Evolution: one of the most blatant examples. Even for an 8 years old comic, the evolution is amazing.
- Cool Shades: Duke always sports a pair of these.
- End of Series Awareness: The whole last story arc is this.
- Everything Explodes Ending: Used to the point of being a Running Gag.
- Fan Service: All of the female characters of the cast are subject to this.
- Flanderization: Inverted. Yes. Thanatos has become progressively less stupid and over-the-top with the years. He's still one of the most batshit insane webcomic characters in existence, though.
- Glasses Pull: David Caruso's (of CSI: Miami) characteristic Glasses Pull is parodied in this comic.
- Jesus Taboo: The name is a pun on the phrase "Bigger Than Jesus."
- Medium Awareness: Used various times, most notably in the final story arc which crossed this with End of Series Awareness.
- Negative Continuity: In deference to Rule of Funny. Things like having a kid and being shot to death don't stick between strips.
- It's the Comic's way of recovering from Future Thanatos's rampage through the comic's multiverse.
- No Fourth Wall: Taken to the point where not only is it a running gag but The final storyline's plot.
- Non-Human Sidekick: Wang is one of these. He's a very special Non-Human Sidekick, being a 4-foot-tall rock.
- Running Gag: as you can expect from a webcomic that has lasted for 8 years and counting, there are many of them. For example, Desmond's ongoing battle against Wikipedia has recently returned.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: The creator's one-sided rivalry with Tim Buckley.
- All it took was finding out that his site code being reused without any credit to kick off this rivalry.
- Space Whale Aesop: in this comic
Kat: You shouldn't swing on your chair!
Thanatos: Why? What's the worst that can happen?
Kat: Well, I could wait 'till you're asleep and then cut of your penis with a rusty carving knife.
- He promptly stops swinging.
- Take That: CAD's convenient miscarrige. Too many times to list.
- Too Dumb to Live: Thanatos. His name is a Shout-Out to the Greek personification of death, because his idiocy seems to attract death and excessive violence wherever he goes.
- To be fair, Thanatos has become less and less stupid with the years, in a rare case of inversion of Flanderization.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Here.
- Given that she's reading the author's dream journal, it might be a case of a Homoerotic Dream.
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