< Bigger Stick

Bigger Stick/Quotes

"Well I speak looooouuuud!, and I carry a biiiiigger stick! And I use it too!" *whack*
"Sure it matters who's got the bigger stick, but it matters a hell of a lot more who's swinging it"

Mr. Wilson: Have you ever heard of the term "extreme overkill"?
George: Yes.
Mr. Wilson: If you saw a fly circling a table you wanted to put food on, what would you kill the fly with?
George: Probably either a spray or a flyswatter, if I had one.
Mr. Wilson: That would be reasonable. What do you think "overkill" would be?
George: Probably a mallet.
Mr. Wilson: And what would "extreme overkill" be?
George: A sledge hammer, I guess.

Mr. Wilson: What Dr. Sign did ... goes way beyond "extreme overkill". What he did was the equivalent of using nuclear weapons to kill flies.
Paul Robinson's The Gatekeeper: The Gate Contracts
"No effect? I need bigger sword..."
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