Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing/WMG

The game's glitches are totally intentional.

The game is actually a combination of Mind Screw and Stylistic Suck. Just look: the options are limitless, and you can go one billion miles per hour. They made this as less of a racing game and more of a Wide Open Sandbox.

The trucks have a primitive version of the Flux Capacitor That only works at extreme speeds going backwards.

The bizarre images and sounds you get when you reach those speeds are caused by traveling through time.

The game is really an artistic game with a deep meaning.

You see, the whole game is a giant metaphor, showing how life is unfair and broken, and that we should keep on trucking anyways. The empty promises that the game made? Meant to represent how life is full of disappointments that we must make the best out of (E.G. Hilarious footage). The infinite reverse speed and the abrupt stop? It represents how, no matter how much we rush through things, one single mistake (lifting your finger in this case) can force you to start all over again, at zero. The opponent? Meant to represent you, and how no matter how hard you try, you will always feel as though you didn't quite reach your goals. The glitches in the game were intentional, and not glitches, but a deep metaphor.

Specifically, the game is a playable metaphor for the Platonic Cave

The game is trying to demonstrate that the world we see isn't like it really is. Yes, it looks real enough, but anyone brave enough to move beyond preconceived constraints proves the whole thing is fake. Clipping through solid objects, the opponent refusing to beat you, physics not working, being able to literally drive off the map, all of it is supposed to represent the illusion of reality.

The game was horrible for a reason

It's not a computer game. It's a PC-compatible insanity-inducing weapon built by Dr. Eggman, so he could torture us into surrendering the world to him. And I think his plan is working.

The game takes place in The Matrix

By knowing it doesn't exist, the player's truck is capable of defying physics, such as infinite acceleration, going through buildings, and keeping enemies magically frozen.

This product is a variation on the "Springtime for Hitler" gambit...

Unlike in the Producers where a flop attempted for economic reasons, the company saw that their actual racing game was going to suck, so they engineered this as an intentional cult piece. They knew that releasing something so obviously unfinished would draw a lot of attention, so they were banking on said attention earning them some sales in hopes that it would make them some money back on their coming flop.

This thing sold at least 20,000 copies. Whether the profits on that were enough to recoup the losses incurred with their actual racing game, or if this even managed to turn an overall profit for them is unknown, but they were successful in creating a memorable product.

The developers of the game came up with it as a result of being driven mad by playing too much I Wanna Be the Guy

Obviously, the mental strain caused by trying to win out a hellishly difficult game burnt out their minds, causing them to rebel against the idea of actually working to win video games. So they designed a game that could be won with no effort whatsoever.

The game is the result of hooking an albatross's brain up to a basic game engine.

  • As stated here. All the problems with physics, difficulty, and the lack of opponents are because it's an albatross.

The game was developed by vortigaunts

  • The three handle trophy gives it away. Vortigaunts have 3 arms, just like the trophy. The reason it sucks it's because they have diferent standards for games.

This game is an accident

  • A person was making the game, made it as it is now, and said "That's enough for one day" and left. Someone else came in, mistook it for a finished game, and published it.

This is also Decade's fault.

The World of Big Rigs used to be a world of real competent racing, until Decade visited it. His presence caused the world's physics and LOGIC to twist in order to reject Decade rather than merely twisting his photos. It's a world without a Kamen Rider, and it's purity was severely affected when Decade got there. Hence... Crazy Physics, no collision detection and You're Winner.

Big Rigs would have been the greatest game ever made had it been finished

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