< Big Love
Big Love/YMMV
- Complete Monster: Hollis Green.
- JJ is arguably this x10.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Nicki has become a lot of viewers' favorite character. This is to the point where some people say that she's the only reason why they continue to watch the show.
- The Scrappy: Bill, due to being a patriarchal male chauvinist, obviously gets this from a lot of fans.
- Alas, Poor Scrappy: He's unexpectedly killed in the last episode by a neighbor. After being in an argument with Barb all season about his firmly held belief that only the man of the family can hold priesthood, his final words are asking her to give him a blessing.
- Moral Event Horizon: Roman Grant crosses it with his accidental murder of Kathy.
- Alby gets it when he kills all the dogs in the compound.
- Seasonal Rot: By general consensus, the fourth season.
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