< Big Bad Duumvirate
Big Bad Duumvirate/Playing With
Basic Trope: Two or more Big Bads work together.
- Straight: Alex Annihilation and Bruce Bonecrusher work together for world domination.
- Exaggerated:
- Alex and Bruce are so very powerful that not even Bob Badass and Alice Awesome can stop them.
- Alex and Bruce also have Charlie Cruel, Destruction Dan, and Elliot Evil on their team.
- Downplayed: Alex and Bruce team up to rob a convenience store.
- Justified: Alone, Alex and Bruce are not very good Big Bads, but when they're practically unstoppable when they work together.
- Inverted: Alex and Bruce are two Big Goods working together in saving the world.
- Subverted:
- Alex and Bruce commit similar crimes at the same places and appear to be working together, but are really working independently of each other.
- Alex and Bruce turn out to be Co-Dragons to Emperor Evulz.
- Double Subverted:
- Until they meet and decide to work together.
- Alex and Bruce overthrow Emperor Evulz.
- Averted:
- Alex is the Big Bad while Bruce is actually The Dragon.
- All bad guys work alone and never team up.
- Enforced: "Fans like Alex, but they also like Bruce. Wouldn't they like them more if they worked together?"
- Invoked: Alex puts out an ad in the newspaper for a villain to team up with.
- Defied: Alex and Bruce refuse to work together at any point.
- Discussed: "Hey, we should team up. We'd be twice as powerful then."
- Conversed: "I should've known those two would be working together."
Together, we can conquer Big Bad Duumvirate.
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