Beyond: Two Souls
Beyond: Two Souls is an action-adventure interactive drama developed by Quantic Dream, the Spiritual Successor to Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) and Heavy Rain. The story, covering the span of fifteen years, centers on Jodie Holmes (modeled after and played by Ellen Page), a young woman who tries to uncover the mystery of a strange Poltergeist-like presence that serves as her protector, as well as Nathan Dawkins (Willem Dafoe), a researcher and her surrogate father. The central topic is what happens to one after death. Like its immediate predecessor, Beyond: Two Souls was a Play Station 3 exclusive until it was re-released for the PlayStation 4 in March 2016.
See also Kara for the tech demo produced in preparation for this game.
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- Bald Women: Jodie sports a buzzcut upon her introduction.
- Dashed Plotline: The story covers three main periods of Jodie's life: her childhood, her teen years, and her CIA work as an adult.
- Extraordinarily Empowered Girl: Jodie has the ability to see spirits.
- Ink Suit Actor: Ellen Page as Jodie and Willem Dafoe as Dawkins.
- Poltergeist (trope): The spirit that Jodie interacts with, who she addresses as "Ivan".