Beverly Hills Teens

Ever wondered what Beverly Hills, 90210 would be like if it was animated and didn't take itself so seriously? Well that actually happened. Actually, aside from the city and the teenagers, this show didn't have much in common with that other show. This has far more in common with Dynasty, Richie Rich and the 1980s. Oh man, this show is definitely of the 1980s. Just about everything So Bad It's Good of that decade was featured on that show, as long as it was G-Rated. But that still left room for a lot.
What was it about? Well, it's about teenagers living in Beverly Hills. There wasn't much of a plot, as the show was almost a Sitcom. Basically, it's better to just understand the characters.
Characters include:
- Bianca Dupree the raven-haired Rich Bitch of the group. Has a poodle named Empress.
- Blaze Summers A cowgirl and a Tomboy.
- Buck Huckster A guy who always wears his shades, and thinks he's a business genius.
- Chester McTech A boy genius with a crush on Bianca.
- Gig A burgeoning rock star, with either a British or Aussie accent.
- Jett A Valley Girl who is part of Gig's band.
- Larke Tanner A sweet blonde who Bianca sees as her rival (particularly over Troy). She has a cat named Tiara.
- Nikki Darling An aspiring actress and fashionista.
- Pierce Thorndyke III A self-centered Casanova Wannabe with an American posh accent.
- Jillian Thorndyke Pierce's younger sister, who tries to act more adult than some of the other cast.
- Radley the Surfer Dude.
- Shanelle Spencer the Token Minority, and the most level headed of the group.
- Brenda, aka Switchboard the gossip hound of the group.
- Tara Belle a Southern Belle, although she acts more demure and naive than she actually is.
- Troy Jeffries Larke's boyfriend, although every other girl is basically his Unwanted Harem.
- Wilshire Brentwood Bianca's chauffeur, but is so in love with her, that he's willing to be her Extreme Doormat (save for certain instances).
Take those characters, and mix and match with any appropriate Sitcom plot you can imagine.
- Alpha Bitch: Who else but Bianca?
- Attention Whore: Bianca of course.
- The Beautiful Elite
- Betty and Veronica: Larke and Bianca for Troy
- Child Prodigy: Chester
- City Mouse: Bianca and Pierce
- Doomed New Clothes: The gold lamé pants and fur cape ensemble Bianca tried to wear to a photo shoot.
- Dresses the Same: At a costume party, Bianca and Larke wear similar outfits. When they got new outfits, those were still similar.
- The Eighties
- Eighties Hair: Almost everyone, some more than others
- Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry
- Expy: Larke and Bianca resemble the original Betty and Veronica.
- Fake Band: Jett and Gig's group
- Fiction 500: Most of the cast would fit on, but particularly Bianca's family. Her dad owns Texas.
- Fur Bikini: A Belly Dancer in one episode.
- Gem-Encrusted : If something can possibly have jewels on it, it does.
- The Generic Guy: Troy. Larke and Chanelle seem to be Generic Girls.
- Gold Makes Everything Shiny
- Hair of Gold: Larke and Blaze
- Jerkass: Bianca
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Ocasionally Pierce, especially in later episodes.
- Idle Rich: Most of the cast.
- It Came From Beverly Hills
- Keep Circulating the Tapes: It's probably not on DVD yet for fear of creating a time warp.
- Naive Everygirl: Larke, but mostly Tara.
- Opera Gloves: Bianca's evening dress.
- Pimped-Out Dress: A few turn up.
- Pimped-Out Car: The characters drive around pimped up limo with a swimming pool on it.
- Pink Means Feminine: Bianca's pink dresses and her bathing suit, Larke's pink car.
- Pretty in Mink: A common thing is fur rugs draped over various seats, whether in cars, or even chairs at the beach. This was still before Fur and Loathing became a trope, so the connotations of corruption and decadence aren't there[1].
- Bianca wears a brown fur wrap with her evening dress.
- Nikki wears a white fur coat a few times.
- Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense: Bianca & Thorndyke, and a few supporting characters.
- The Short Guy with Glasses: Chester
- Spoiled Brat: Bianca, although only a few of the characters are immune to this.
- Surfer Dude: Radley
- Token Minority: Chanelle
- Totally Radical: Especially Radly and Jett.
- Uncle Pennybags: All but Bianca & Thorndyke
- Valley Girl: Jett, or something?
- ↑ (Well no more than for any other form of opulence in the show, anyway)