< Betterman
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The series has tons of it. This show legitimately makes worms scary.
- Ho Yay: Sakura and herself. It's complicated.
- Magnificent Bastard: Mamon. The man willingly sacrifices many of his workers from the Super Human League just to convince Keade join him. It is later revealed that he already had Keade condition to join him at an early age and that the resources lost were not really necessary. To summon the first Brahman, he sacrifices over 200 of his own workers to charge the linker gel, and sacrifices the summoners and host body to bring in the monster. He later uses himself as a host body for the second Brahman and devices a plan on bring Betterman to him.
- Wangst: Several times, Hinoki would dive right into self-pity and take a looooong swim.
- Very true, to the point to which there has been some occasions in which her long self-pity has almost cost her own life.
- Woobie: Sakura.
- Woolseyism: TechTV had replaced the original Opening sequence with the Ending sequence when they broadcast Betterman. Considering the opening was a boring footage of a tidal pool, and the Ending has an awesome song and surreal, enticing imagery, this was for the better.
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