Best Enemies
This page needs some cleaning up to be presentable. The way the list under the page image is coded is a horrid kludge. It needs to be completely reworked to take advantage of the built-in functions of MediaWiki. And should it really be in the image caption instead of in the article proper? |
Best Enemies is a Kim Possible fanfic and the beginning of a series of the same name. Written by King in Yellow. The first episode (which was rewritten into a better version, while the original one got removed from the net.) stands together as a composite arc along another five stories (and an extra chapter), and then it diverts into numerous stories exploring the lives of several characters, different situations and the growing up of the next generation.
The story, like many other fanfics on the fandom, resolve around the starting and developing romance between Kim and Shego, eventually exploring multiple facets of their lives. Many other characters are also given starring roles in subsequent stories. Including what could be considered two inside-series, "Team Possible II" and "Three Weddings and a Funeral", which parts and episodes are scattered among the other stories. "Time Cops" seems to be heading into becoming a new mini-series.
The series easily stands as one of the longest (if not the longest) ones in the Kim Possible fandom, so be ready to devote plenty of your time if you’re planning to read it. Many episodes are announced, but have yet to be written[1]. It also includes what could be considered two inside-series, "Team Possible II" and "Three Weddings and a Funeral", which parts and episodes are scattered among the other stories[2]. Finally, the series has won one of the first places in the annual fan-made wards awarding (called “Fanies”) held within the fandom.
The overall story revolves about many events, but more often than not, the revolve around romance and Slice of Life episodes. It eventually incorporates popular Fanon Original Characters Kasy and Sheki, originally written by NoDrogs – a well known writer in the fandom – but with their origin rewritten and their characters’ being expanded while still remaining recognizable. Also, many of the stories include much of KiY’s personal life experiences, as he is known to mention to his series’ readers.
- Aerith and Bob: Kim and Shego name their daughters Kasy, Sheki and Jane.
- Anachronic Order: Within "Three Weddings and a Funeral", chronologically speaking, the third part comes before the second.
- Artificial Human: Bego, Joss' robot twin of sorts.
- Author Appeal: Shego and Bonnie are fans of Gilbert and Sullivan for this reason.
- Betty and Veronica: Two examples.
- Yori and Bonnie for Ron.
- Amy and Vivian for Drakken. (This one even gets lampshaded.)
- Casanova: Josh, even after he's married.
- Casual Kink: A few examples, one of the more notable being Kim.
- Children Raise You: Something Kim and Shego learn eventually.
- Christmas Special: Several of them throughout the series. A few Hanukkah specials as well.
- Class Reunion: One of the stories has the cheer squad reunite at a ski lodge to catch up (with a bit of Reunion Revenge mixed in as well as attempted use of The Beard to cover up the twins having two mothers and prevent media backlash).
- Cool Pet: Kasy and Sheki’s pet dragon.
- Crossover: A few minor ones with Hellboy and the Cthulhu Mythos.
- Cute Ghost Girl: Although she died in 1922 the daughter of the first owner still lives in Kim's home.
- Deadpan Snarker: Shego, as always.
- Dream Sequence: In A Dark and Stormy Night Shego falls asleep in front of the television while waiting for Kim to get home and dreams them in a noir detective film.
- Go-Karting with Bowser: After being advised to give money to charity for tax purposes Señor Senior allows Kim to apportion the money if she will assemble a team of heroes to play a team of villains in golf.
- Heroic Neutral: Bonnie has no interest in helping anyone she can like Kim, but when Kasy and Sheki, who she was babysitting, got kidnapped, she doubtlessly lead her friends into rescuing them, even putting herself at risk for the sake of them.
- Has Two Mommies: Kim and Shego's daughters.
- Homosexual Reproduction: And actually done with plenty of research and in a very plausible way.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: Read Cool Pet above.
- Judaism: The series does a bit of discussion of this religion. Shego discovers her Judaic roots and Ron, while more of a loosely practicing Jew, still discusses the religion and some of its traditions.
- Les YayKiYFoe Yay: What did you expect? Basically it's just Kim and Shego. Any other homosexual character is relatively minor to the series.
- Love Triangle: Ron loves Yori and Yori loves Ron, but they can't be together. Meanwhile, Bonnie falls for Ron who starts falling for her and... it gets messy.
- Mad Scientists: Several of them. Most working under the same roof.
- Mama Bear: Do not mess with Kim and Shego's daughters. They will both maul you.
- Mind Screw: "Follow the Queen II: Deuces Wild" is made of this.
- Noodle Incident: Kim, Ron and Shego venture into Tibet to chase mysterious creatures known as "Jacks" and barely make it back. The incident is mentioned every so often, but never described.
- Also another one mentioned between Joss and Wade about something implying the involvment of Naughty Tentacles.
- Our Vampires Are Different: The Jacks.
- Pair the Spares: A lot of Kim's supporting cast are paired up with each other.
- Paparazzi: Kim and Shego have to deal with the media butting into their lives occasionally.
- Passive-Aggressive Kombat: C'mon. With all the people living under one roof? This is inevitable.
- Psychic Link: Between Joss and Bego. It lessens as time passes and each become their own unique person.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: Many episodes were derived from the author's personal experiences. Sometimes with the characters express things from him, but never to a point it gets annoying or threatens with Out of Character-ness.
- Recap Episode: So the Trauma[3] acts like one, written so as to introduce new readers into the series without having to read the massive amount of material present.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Mostly Kim and Shego, but who's red and who's blue can vary. Later, Kasy and Sheki are a much more evident example of this.
- Retired Badass: Eventually Shego aims at this, but sometimes has to get back into action for one reason or another. After being both a Superhero and a Super Villain, she now wants a home life with family and stability, though she does worry that her aim "to be dull" could drive away her still more adventurous partner.
- Shipper on Deck: The reason for plenty of the Pair the Spares cases is because Kim was trying to hook up his friends.
- Ship Tease: "Second Death" has a rather explicit moment of this between Hanna and Sheki, stated to be because of a fanart of the pairing inspired by the series.
- Shown Their Work: Whenever the stories deal with history, culture, religions or law, be sure you'll be learning more than a few things about the subject.
- Slice of Life: Many of the stories in the series focus on the home life of Kim, Shego, their kids, or their friends.
- Synchronization: Joss and Bego, especially just after fighting the Jack in the ghost town.
- Throw the Dog a Bone: With therapy and medication Drakken goes straight, although his insecurities insure a university that offers him an honorary doctorate receives a large donation.
- Time Police: Kim and Shego’s third daughter works as one.
- Too Dumb to Live: Really, Motor Ed? You’re really going to kidnap the children of two of the most dangerous women on the planet who have a mystically powered kung-fu master, several mad scientists, and ninjas as friends and expect to get away unscathed?
- Tsundere: Bonnie.
- Two-Timer Date: Poor Drakken thought he was doing this with Vivian and DNAmy Hall.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Oh dear mother of all Shipping... if you thought Kim and Shego had it hard getting together, just wait to see how it is like for Ron and Bonnie.
- Weirdness Magnet: Most of the members of Team Possible II tend to attract strange happenings every once in a while. Of course, maybe if they stopped messing with the space/time continuum…
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: This debate is brought up when Bego begins to show sentience and a strange connection to Joss.
- Write What You Know: Once she's moved to a civilian life, Shego decides to become a lawyer, and studies English as a route to law. The author is an college English professor, and his wife is a lawyer. Also, several Slice of Life episodes are derived from his own experiences.
- Yet Another Christmas Carol: One of the Christmas stories is yet another Christmas carol.
- You're Drinking Breast Milk: Ron accidentally prepared dinner with Kim's stored breast milk. Upon realizing, Bonnie is squicked out, while Shego doesn't seem to mind at all.