< Bertie and Elizabeth
Bertie and Elizabeth/YMMV
- Anvilicious: Edward and Wallis are made to be unlikable, even granted that sympathy was against them. The same point could have been made more subtly.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: During the blitz, George and Elizabeth are shown walking about the ruined streets of London while children are shown bravely smiling and waving tiny Union Jacks for them.
- Another one, earlier in the movie: when Bertie finishes his first address as King on the radio without a single stammer, Elizabeth bolts (as much as any member of the British aristocracy can bolt) across the hall and into the broadcast room and all but throws herself into his arms.
- Values Dissonance: Everybody, including the hero and heroine but not Edward, displays stereotypical Victorian values and the sympathy is all with them. If you are unsympathetic with that, you indeed have values dissonance.
- It Makes Sense in Context: Privilege and luxury were paid to Edward so he could be a "walking flag". It isn't too much to ask him to do the job for which he is paid with reasonable dignity.
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