Belial (video game)
Belial is a series of Point and Click puzzle games in which you play as the demon Belial, the son of Lucifer and Eve, who has been sent to Earth by Satan after rebelling against him. Having lost most of his demonic assets (wings, tail, horns and powers), he must first retrieve them before returning to Hell. Depending on which ending you choose, you either go back to hell to recruit an army to overthrow Satan (which is the plot of the second game, Belial 2: Cause of Chaos), or explore your inner self to unleash the gigantic demon Baal (Belial 2.5: the Beast Within).
Tropes used in Belial (video game) include:
- An Ice Demon: Cresil
- Answers to The Name of God: One character sees a mouse and exclaims "Jesus Christ!". Belial responds with "Nah, he's better looking than that."
- Asshole Victim: Johnny leaves his partner-in-crime bleeding and in massive pain in an alley to go drinking. In addition, he tells the bartender to keep the change (replaced with badly-faked money unbeknownst to him) since Asians worship every penny. The bartender then summons the bouncer and tells him to break every bone in Johnny's body. Which he does.
- Bag of Spilling: Sort of. Your powers don't work in the third game, as it takes place in Belial's mind.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Baal is completely naked, but has no genitalia.
- Big Red Devil: Belial himself. Later he turns into a big yellow devil. Satan is a big gray devil.
- Bland-Name Product: the XNN news program and the World Warfare 3 video game.
- Blank White Eyes: Everyone but Beelzebub (though we only see his human form).
- Chain of Deals
- Character Title
- Cliff Hanger: 2.5 ends with Satan spearing Baal with his trident, having apparently killed Lilith.
- Combat Tentacles: Pyro.
- Continuity Nod: To get the Baal ending in the first game, you need to kill Igor, the casino's bouncer. In 2.5, you see his decapitated head on the floor.
- Deadpan Snarker: Belial.
- Deal with the Devil: With Beelzebub.
- Diagonal Cut/Death of a Thousand Cuts: Pyro's specialty.
- Evil Power Vacuum: As the second game's intro shows, Satan's (reported) death causes demons to invade Earth.
- Fire and Brimstone Hell: Averted, only Lava Beach is related to fire.
- Framing the Guilty Party: See Asshole Victim.
- Funny Background Event: the surfing demons in Lava Beach. Actually a clue to one of the puzzles.
- Gaiden Game: Belial 2.5 picks up on the alternate ending to the first game.
- Gotta Catch Em All: Forks in the second game. Getting all 15 unlocks the secret ending.
- Essence in the third, which gives hints for puzzles.
- Hellevator
- Heroic Sociopath: Belial burns 3 homeless men alive, condemning them to an afterlife as sweatshop slaves in Hell.
- Ironic Nursery Tune: The music that plays during the second game's menu is a darker version of Pop Goes The Weasel.
- Joined Your Party: used every time a demon... well... joins your party.
- Kraken: A bit... different from the usual incarnations, in that the lower half is a red octopus, and the top half a woman named Pyro.
- Lava Is Boiling Kool-Aid: demons can surf on it, using humans as surfboards.
- Notice This: Essence appears as a twinkling star.
- Number of the Beast: Appears as graffiti on a wall and as the elevator code.
- Man On Fire: How the hoboes are removed.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Leonard's shoulders contain missile pods.
- Ms. Fanservice: Lilith.
- Mole Miner: Furfur.
- Mordor: Satan's Den, complete with giant gate.
- Playing with Fire: One of Belial's powers.
- Protagonist-Centered Morality
- Rasputinian Death/Made of Iron: the Beelzebub Casino's bouncer requires you to stab, electrocute, burn, and finally decapitate him.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: a red demon running around elicits no particular response from humans.
- Seven Deadly Sins: four of them are represented in Belial's subconscious.
- Slasher Smile: Belial sports one in the beginning of the second game.
- The Shadow Knows
- Shock and Awe: Belial's other power.
- Lightning Can Do Anything: Like restoring power to electrical appliances.
- Shout-Out: Most of the demons come from the Ars Goetia, in various forms. Buer is still a five-pawed lion's head, but Leonard is now a robot.
- Teleport Spam: Buer.
- Trashcan Bonfire
- Treacherous Advisor: Beelzebub just oozes this, though he's shown no actual betrayal yet.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: It's possible to get through the first game killing less than the eight NPCs, ( depending on the ending you want).
- Wheel-O-Feet: Buer, literally.
- Who Dares? summon Pyro?
- Womb Level: The wals of the third game resemble a brain's folds and wrinkles, while the penultimate scene takes place before a giant throbbing heart and pulsating blood vessels.
- Video Game Achievements
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