Bad things happened here. That doesn't just go away.
Bedlam (2011-) is a paranormal based drama currently showing on Sky Living.
The Bettany family would like to welcome you to Bedlam Heights: affordable luxury apartments currently in renovation in a historic building that been in her family for generations. Admittedly, the fact the building used to be a mental institution has been dissuading tenants, but that's nothing to worry about, right?
Jed Bettany sees things differently. Having recently got out of psychiatric care for his habit of seeing ghosts, Jed moves in to Bedlam Heights, on behalf of a mysterious messenger. He shares a flat with Kate, as well as her friends: slacker Molly, whose close friend disappeared earlier, and nerdy Ryan, still haunted by his brother's brutal murder. Jed and Ryan start to work to protect the residents from the many angered spirits of old patients. But it seems that there are deeper shadows in the old house than either could have predicted.
The second Series had a large cast change, getting rid of most of the established cast, and bringing in Ellie, a medium who makes connections between Jed's disappearance and her own sudden spectral visions.
- Bedlam House: While it's in renovation, scenes of beforehand fit the bill perfectly.
- Bi the Way: Ryan, although it's not made 100% clear.
- Almost has sex with Kate in the first episode; makes out with a random dude in the third. Pretty clear.
- And then he and Molly have sex in episode six. Yup.
- Black Dude Dies First: The first person who Jed tried to help that ended up dying was a black guy.
- Black Eyes of Evil: Vengeful ghosts sport these.
- Blessed with Suck: Jed's ability to see ghosts hasn't exactly made his life better, seeing as he had to spend a big part of it in a psych ward.
- Brother-Sister Incest: The ghost in episode 6 definitely had an unhealthy obsession with his sister, whom he murdered.
- Child by Rape: Jed.
- Death by Childbirth: Jed's mother.
- Haunted Headquarters: The building itself.
- Heroic BSOD: Kate has one, after she thinks her father killed Zoe.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Jed.
- Ice Queen: Kate.
- Imaginary Friend: A child gets a ghostly one in "Hide And Seek"
- I See Dead People: Jed.
- It Won't Turn Off: Used for several ghostly scenes, including Mark's phone in "Commited"
- Jerkass: Warren Bettany.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kate, with a heavy emphasis on jerk.
- Just Friends: Molly and Ryan
- Kissing Cousins: Well, to be fair, stepcousins.
- Nerd Glasses: Ryan wears them in the first episode, but Kate doesn't like them...
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Jed saves a little girl after a spiritual encounter. How does the father repay Jed (especially after finding out that he was previously in a psych ward)? By telling Jed to never come near him or is daughter again and breaking it off with Molly, who was seeing the father at the time.
- Not Using the Z Word
- Shrinking Violet: Molly, sort of.
- Stalker with a Crush: Mark thinks he has one at first. Turns out to be a ghost of a Woman Scorned.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: The second season sets up Ellie for Jed, and Max for Ryan
- That Didn't Happen: Kate says this to Jed after their kiss.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Jed and Kate.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Jed, particularly in the first episode.