< Beast Machines

Beast Machines/Funny

  • One moment of pure hilarity is The Reveal that Thrust is actually Waspinator, not Silverbolt.

"Does that mean Spider-bot not go steady with Waspinator?"

    • Also, from the very end, when Waspinator is reformatted into a wasp with a vehicon head. "Waspinator want glory! Waspinator want power! And what Waspinator get? (gets swatted away by Rattrap) WASPINATOR NEVER GET WHAT WASPINATOR WANTS!!!!!!"
    • So how did Waspinator get to Cybertron? [[spoiler:His proto-human subjects built a giant catapult which flung him into space, and then he flew there. It would seem stupid... if it was any other character. It's fitting for Waspinator.
  • 99.999% of what Jetstorm says.
    • When talking with Megatron about Tankor's "death":

Your glorious army will shine less brightly without his guiding...Can I have his tank drones?"

    • From the same episode:

(Blasts an entrance into the sewers) "Welcome to another exciting edition of DIGGING FOR MAXIMALS!"

    • From "Revelations Part I: Discovery":

"Well well well, all I need's a spider and I've got the whole set! Gotta catch 'em all!"

    • In "Fires of The Past":

(At the Shuttleport) "Well, well, well. Your situation exactly matches your location-- TERMINAL!!!

  • In "Spark of Darkness," Rattrap is tasked with the all-important job of... building gardening equipment. Naturally, he doesn't take it well.

(little girl voice) "And what'd you do in the war, Daddy?" (regular voice) "Well, honey, I made gardening equipment to help the troops plant petunias!" (little girl voice) "Really, Daddy?!"

  • In "Sparkwar Pt. II: The Search," after finding themselves facing Strika and her drones:

Rattrap: This calls for a strategic advance to the rear.
Botanica: Meaning?
Rattrap: (already zipping away in the opposite direction) RUN AWAY!

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