< Beach House

Beach House/YMMV

  • Face of the Band -- Victoria tends to attract much more attention than Alex. Also, most reviews tend to praise Victoria for her vocals and completely ignore Alex's brilliant guitar work altogether.
  • Hype Aversion -- Pitchfork likes them, so of course you can expect some of this.
  • Hype Backlash-- On Best Ever Albums, Teen Dream stayed at number 1 for the year until Arcade Fire released The Suburbs in August 2010 and since then it has been on a rapid decline in positions with negative comments starting to appear on the album's page.
    • Seems to slowly be subverted as people that ignored it last year are starting to pick it up now and realize how much of a gem it is. Even people who were adding to the backlash just simply gave it a few more listens and it grew on them.
  • Signature Song -- "Silver Soul", "Master of None" or "Heart of Chambers"
  • Tear Jerker -- "Better Times" and "Real Love".
  • Viewer Gender Confusion -- More like Listener Gender Confusion. Listen to some of the more recent Beach House songs and try to figure out if she really sounds like a woman. However, earlier in recordings, the self-titled and Devotion, her voice isn't as confusing.
  • Vindicated by History -- Teen Dream, while moderately praised and slightly successful in sales, was not nearly as beloved as it is a year after it's release.
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