< Bayonetta


Seeing this is one of those awesome moments. Knowing the Main Character will kill it is even more awesome

Ahh, Bayonetta. From the Creator of the first Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, and Okami How could it not be an awesome game? Being the Spiritual Succesor of Devil May Cry, its expected to have moments like this, but it most definitely takes things to higher levels than usual.

Needs a lot of Wiki Magic.

  • When you first play Bayonetta, you're taken directly into battle with hordes of angels and a dragon ON TOP OF A FALLING CLOCK TOWER. Yes you have infinite life at this point. And yes Jeanne is your ally in here. Savor it.
  • First boss. Said dragon from above? You SUPLEX THAT THING!!! And it's not even the Finishing Move for it.
  • Really, anytime you whip out that Prehensile Hair, awesomeness is about to ensue.
  • The Torture Attacks are really something. Annoying flying enemy? Grab that sucker and rip it to shreds with a magic chainsaw!
  • The final time Bayonetta fights against Jeanne. They play hotpotatoes WITH A GIANT MISSILE!
  • Bayonetta vs. Father Balder. Said Prehensile Hair weapons that she's always summoned? He destroys them like they're nothing! And he's not even the final boss yet! Oh, and a building to the face? Followed by a satellite? He barely flinches!

Bayonetta: Don't fuck with a witch. (bullet to the head)

Jeanne: The Left Eye, our treasured Left Eye, shall never fall into the hands of another. It is the pride of the Umbra Witches!

  • The Final Boss deserves probably the most epic mention in this entry. After you defeat the boss (or rather, soften her up), Bayonetta summons a being BIGGER than Jubileus herself and does one of the most epic Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu? moments in video game history. All the way FROM PLUTO TO THE SUN! AND YOU GET TO CONTROL THE TRAJECTORY OF WHERE SHE'S HEADED!
    • Well, it's not so much as a choice to control her trajectory than a requirement, as if Jubileus hits a planet on the way there, she'll recover and re-enter the fight (and kill you, implied by the Game Over screen). Don't worry, you continue from the knockout punch.
    • Also worth noting is that You don't just Punch Out Jubileus; you punch her IN THE EFFING SOUL! You punch her SOUL straight out of her body and send it flying into the sun. Words just can't describe how awesome this game is...
  • After everything has been said and done, the ending really looks like it's going for a Downer Ending until Jeanne STOMPS ON THE CREDITS, and she and Bayonetta team up to destroy Jubileus's body before it crashes into Earth.
  • Just fighting Father Rodin is an achievement in of itself, but beating him, who is that of a GOD, the INFINITE ONE, on that note, is outright astounding, but you could go even further, using on the starting items, and no accessories or items but the gaze of dispair! Now, if you can beat him after that, YOU. ARE. GOD... someone takes up the balls to beat with all that and take no damage... just that thought is terrifying...
  • When Bayonetta remembers her ability to transform into animals, starting with a panther. Even she thinks it's awesome:

Bayonetta: Oh my... that was bloody amazing!

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