< Battlestar Galactica (1978 TV series)

Battlestar Galactica (1978 TV series)/Characters


Commander Adama (Lorne Greene)

Leader of "The Fleet". A veteran, a father and a grandfather. The one thing he hates other than the Cylons is politicians. He has set out on a quest to find the lost "Thirteenth Tribe" in the hopes that the two groups can fight back against the Cylons.

Colonel Tigh (Terry Carter)

Adama's bridge assistant. Serious to a fault and completely hopeless when it comes to trying to relax and be one of the guys.

Tigh: When Adam sees these (uniforms) he's gonna go crazy!

Captain Apollo (Richard Hatch)

Apollo is the leader of Blue Squadron. A no-nonsense kind of guy who doesn't take no for an answer. Kind and helpful to his friends and family.

Lt. Starbuck (Dirk Benedict)

There's really only one word to describe Lt. Starbuck... trouble. Name the scam or scheme and chances are Starbuck has tried it, or he'll get around to it. Good at heart and an exellent pilot. Unfortunately he's also a classic con-man - most likely he gets it from his old man, Chameleon.

  • A Day in the Limelight: Many. Sometimes it feels like Starbuck is the real lead of the show.
  • Amusing Injuries: Suffers one when Athena catches him on the surveillance cameras making out with another woman and vents steam from the catapults on him.
  • Love Triangle
  • The Cynic: Starbuck can be very cynical.
  • Number Two
  • Only Sane Man: He thinks he's this, and yet his plans and schemes are some of the most wacky of all.
  • Freudian Trio: with Apollo and Boomer; the Id of the group, and the most emotional and desire driven.

Lt. Boomer (Herb Jefferson, Jr.)

Ace pilot. Smart enough to stay away from Starbuck during his "Get Rich Quick" schemes. Whenever Starbuck and Apollo are both missing in action, Adama counts on him to command Blue Squadron.

Lt. Athena (Maren Jensen)

If she were any more hot tempered she'd be a redhead. Athena has feelings for Starbuck and he has feelings for her... and Cassiopeia... and Aurora... and Merium. Sometimes she just wants to hit him on the head, and she may very well have.

Cassiopeia (Laurette Spang)

Originaly a... Socialator[1] by trade. Cassiopeia decided to make a more helpful contribution to the fleet by becoming a nurse. Unlike Athena, she seems to find Starbuck's bad habits more charming than annoying.

Lt. Sheba (Anne Lockhart)

Daughter of the Legendary Commander Cain (NOT the female one). She's just as stubborn as he is.

  • Ace Pilot
  • Action Girl
  • Daddy's Girl
  • Wangst: Some think she's got way to much angst for one character. Of course she's not NEARLY as bad as the characters form the reboot series.

Boxey (Noah Hathaway) and Muffit (Evie the Chimp)

Apollo's adoptive son. Boxey is a bright and outspoken boy who loves adventure. Boxey lost his beloved daggit/dog Muffit when the colonies where destroyed. So Muffit II was created to take his place. Now the pair are almost always together. Both Boxey and Muffit have used their unique talents to save lives many times.

Commander Cain (Lloyd Bridges)

Sheba's Father. Commander of the battlestar Pegasus. Appears in only one episode ("The Living Legend"), but is to hammy to pass up.

Serina (Jane Seymour)

Mother of Boxey. Appears in only the Pilot and the two-part episode "Lost Planet of the Gods", but an important character nonetheless.


Baltar (John Colicos)

Baltar is not a Cylon - he's the man who sold humanity out to the Cylons. A chronic liar and coward, he loves to think of himself as superior to everyone else. He thinks he's using the Cylons when they're the ones using him. Of course none of that matters becuase he could never do the one thing they wanted him to do - destroy the Galactica.

Lucifer (voiced by Jonathan Harris)

The smartest Cylon in the whole universe. He has the brains, the style, and most importantly, he's modest. His only handicap? Having to work under Baltar. Despite this handicap Lucifer seems to enjoy his banter with Balter, or perhaps he just like watching him sweat when things get hairy. Lucifer is probably the funniest and most likable villian anywhere.

  • Affably Evil: Instead of hating him for being a member of the evil race of robots, you'll spend most of your time laughing at his razor sharp wit.
  • A Father to His Men: Sort of. In The Gun On Ice Planet Zero he objects to Baltar's intention to use the ship's pilots as reserves.
  • Beware the Silly Ones
  • Deceptive Disciple: He seems to be this at first. But when Baltar gets the idea to surrender to the Galactica he sounds genuinely concerned for the man's safety.
  • Even Evil Has Standards
  • Likable Villain: It's funny really. Lucifer isn't likable becuase he does good things or isn't as bad as he says. It's becuase he's so good at calling Baltar out on his hammy nature. That's probably why we love him so much.

Cylon Centurions

  1. Prostitute Geisha
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