< Battleship (film)

Battleship (film)/Awesome

  • Nagata taking down two alien spaceships by blind firing missiles at where he guesses they'll be. He misses on his first few salvos... and then when he scores the hits it's so sweet.
  • The John Paul Jones taking down the third alien ship by having two sharpshooters blow out its windshield, exposing the cripplingly-photosensitive aliens' eyes to the morning sun, blinding them and leaving the ship near-helpless as the JPJ blows it to bits.
  • Watching the reactivation of the Missouri under the hands of the veterans to the music of ACDC's "Thunderstruck" is majestic.
  • The enemy shield generator reveals itself to be a huge warship.
  • The entire battle between the Missouri and the alien battleship, from the ballsy maneuver Alex has the ship pull off to the Missouri's repeated point-blank salvos into the alien ship with the main guns (and old veterans firing .50-cals), and finishing with the FA-18 fighters swooping in to blow the crippled enemy vessel apart.
  • Mick overcoming the loss of confidence that came with the loss of his legs, and giving the alien marine an old-fashioned beatdown.
    • At one point we actually see him punch some of the alien's teeth out.

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