< Battlefield (series)

Battlefield (series)/YMMV

  • Abridged Arena Array:
    • For Battlefield 2: Strike At Karkand. Infantry Only Mode.
      • Strike at Karkand is so popular that it was brought back for Battlefield 2142 and Battlefield 3!
    • For the franchise as a whole: Wake Island. It's in Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Battlefield 1943, Battlefield Heroes, and Battlefield 3. That's almost the entire series!
  • Cargo Ship: The first-person Idle Animation of the American Support class in BF2 has him petting his M249 SAW.
  • Complacent Gaming Syndrome: Anyone up for some no vehicles, infantry-only Strike at Karkand? Good, so is everyone else.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The theme tune.
  • Even Better Sequel: Battlefield 2 was this compared to Battlefield 1942, and still seen by many as the high point of the series. Any future Battlefield will at some point be compared to BF2, with similarities often seen as a positive thing.
  • Game Breaker: Numerous examples throughout the series, including Vietnam's M60 / LAW kit, BF2's dolphin diving, the post-boost pre-nerf RPD, the one-way portable walls the Sniper carried, anything involving China on Wake or the US on Karkand, and attack helicopters that can survive a direct hit from the main gun of an Abrams. And in many people's opinion, the Voss / PK rocket combo in 2142.
  • Good Bad Bugs: Several. One amusing one was that in 2, the round would end with a stock view of the Battlefield. Since none of the players were controlling their (now-invincible) vehicles, this could lead to some amusing sights, like a cartwheeling fighter-bomber.
    • This bug was apparently popular enough to be kept in Battlefield Heroes, which is based on the Battlefield 2 engine.
    • Another one, that could be considered a glitch in 2, is when a person would go prone right next to a wall or a fence. The game would allow the model to go through if the person was right next to the wall, allowing another player to shoot (or knife) the protruding body part.
  • Hate Dumb: Now that they have released trailers for Modern Warfare 3, the YouTube and Facebook commentator trashtalk can commence, with both sides declaring the many ways that each game that they haven't played yet is variously better than the other.
  • HSQ: The multiplayer is chock-full of it, though. Let's say, pretty much everything can and will explode in your face.
  • Internet Backdraft: The announcement that 2142 would have mandatory online advertising displayed in the game did not get a good reaction from gamers. Compared to some of the Copy Protection methods employed by certain modern-day games (or even a number of contemporary games released on Steam), though, the advertising in 2142 now looks downright tame.
  • Memetic Mutation: The classic BF2 habit of yelling "enemy boat spotted" repeatedly on a map with no water.
    • This goes as far back as BF1942, in which people often spotted submarines on desert maps.
  • Sophomore Slump: Battlefield: Vietnam was the lowest-selling Battlefield title to date, and is generally regarded as (with the possible exception of 2142) the worst game in the series. Numerous Competitive Balance problems didn't help.
  • Unfortunate Implications: In Battlefield 2, the American Assault, Support, and Anti-Tank class models are African American. They are also the three classes that have body armor, the classes that are considered to have "simpler" roles, and the ones expected to take lots of bullets...
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