< Battle Moon Wars

Battle Moon Wars/YMMV

  • Best Level Ever: Stage 29. The Type Moon protagonists finally gather their resolve and fight their alternate selves: Shiki battles Nanaya in the back alley while Akiha holds off White Len, and Shirou battles Archer within the confines of Unlimited Blade Works while Rider, Rin and Saber fight Assassin. Made more awesome by the fact that the bosses, Nanaya and Archer, must be defeated by their alternate selves: Shirou must be the one to defeat Archer and Shiki must be the one to defeat Nanaya.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Haruna's entire speech when they were confronting the devil. It was so awesome and inspiring that AOKO AOZAKI gets to JOIN you in that one battle! The music was so kickass that this troper declared as he started that stage: Let's kick some ass!
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: RoSHIaKI. Just... RoSHIaKI.

Caren: ...We're going home.

Kohaku: I'm so afraid we might not have much time together...Saber, I told you. I want to help you. Rin says that Servants are similar to their Masters I can feels things now. Happiness and sadness. I don't feel regret for any particular action; but I do feel a sense of guilt. I wish I could be someone else, I wish I could go back and save me from being myself. This persona could be given to Hisui; and I could find my own life. And maybe the other things would be better too.
Saber: ....what happened to you?
Kohaku: You really want to know? I didn't think you would want to hear about that. But if I tell you, you have to promise to tell me about you too, okay?
Saber: :smiling: You're sneaky, Kohaku.

    • And then the Player Punch hits in the form of Gilgamesh.
    • After completing Stage 27, Sakura is abducted by Assassin, Rider is temporarily removed from the battlefield and Akiha is incapacitated. Only Hisui is left standing to face Archer, who has been given free rein by Nanaya to slaughter those remaining. What does she do? She interposes herself between her stricken master and he of Unlimited Blade Works.

Hisui: Akiha-sama has always taken care of me...and Nee-san. And that is why...That is why I will protect Akiha-sama!

    • Bravest little Meido EVER.
    • Bazett and Avenger's final conversation. That is all.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: This Remix of Emiya.
  • Scrappy Level: The final bonus stage, which can only be accessed if you collect EVERY Battle Mastery. Besides being a pain in the ass to get, the stage is also loaded with a ton of high HP enemies.
    • Then there's that Battle Mastery in which you have to prevent an NPC from being attacked in order to get, which requires your two characters to be at precise points on the map and make sure to score a critical hit.
  • Those Three Bosses: Get all of the Battle Masteries and play up to Stage 53 Part Four and you get to fight against Saber Lily, Arcueid in her Phantasmoon Eclipse, and Kohaku as Magical Amber. Standing between them and you are an army of Mech-Hisui's who have 11k HP, AND also have Defense Support which is a very hard thing to break unless your units either have Offense Support, the Spell Fury which is limited to a few units, Combo Attacks from certain people, and Field Attacks which unfortunately are somewhat useless against certain Mech-Hisui's. Add to the fact that when you reduce a number of Mech-Hisui's, Kohaku SUMMONS MORE! All in a straight line at the back where you started from. And while you're still doing that, you still need to contend with Saber Lily's Caliburn which ALMOST reaches across the screen. Did I mention that her Caliburn is 3 squares WIDE!? And all three also have FOUR Defense Supports so you're not going to damage them that easily. AND to add insult to injury, Kohaku has a BIG FIELD ATTACK that REDUCES YOUR WILL IF YOU GET HIT AND BUFFS HER ALLIES!! Fortunately, Eclipse is easy but still has a Defense Support coming from Magical Amber so you still need to contend with her. Even if she has that Spirit Bomb move, the range is excusable and one can just simply use Alert on it. So yeah, have fun dealing with the Tohno Family Takeover Plan.
    • Though that stage is bad, a maxed out Bazette with the Gilgamesh and Archer cards makes short work of pretty much everything in that stage. Also, Amber only summons more Mech-Hisui's when you kill the original one.
    • Kuu's "Premonition 2" skill is basically a middle finger towards your speedsters, and she can attack twice per turn.
  • Villain Decay: Averted for the most part, but somebody apparently thought it funny to degrade Tsukihime's Big Bad, Roa/SHIKI to almost Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain-levels and turn him/them into a weird laser-ninja-thingy, for some reason...
  • The Woobie: Sacchin. She needs multiple hugs when you realize just how bad she's had it in BMW. Manipulated by Nanaya, then driven insane with bloodlust by Roa. And when she finally has Shiki's attention, Nanaya shows up and throws them both off a bridge. She gets better, though, fighting with Arcueid, Sion, and Len against the revived Tatari. Unfortunately, her next appearance is performing a Heroic Sacrifice to save Shiki from Nanaya. Unless you save her by secret requirements earlier on. Isn't it sad, Sacchin? ;_; She drops off the plot except as a battle party member; but then so does Sion.
    • You forgot to mention something. If you are a Satsuki fan, then you will weep tears of joy when in Haruna's badass final speech, she gives a nod to Sion and Satsuki as the vampires who fight along side the group, both of whom dropped off the face of the plot several missions back... and a main character still remembers. Later, during the ending, you see that Akiha/Kohaku took Satsuki in, allowing her to live in the basement with Len. Isn't it a little less sad than usual, Sacchin? ;_;
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