Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Shockingly, Joker.[1]
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Pretty much everything the Joker says or does.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The Jokerz in this movie[2], especially Dee Dee, are all extremely popular among the fandom.
  • Foe Yay: One of the biggest examples of Batman/Joker. To put it bluntly, Joker kidnapped one of Batman's "sons" with the intention of molding him into his own "son".
  • Hilarious in Hindsight/Black Comedy/Hypocritical Humor: When we find out the Dee-Dee twins are Harleen Quinzel's granddaughters. As we know from the flashback, Harley Quinn basically went along with Joker's plans to kidnap and warp Tim into "Joker Junior" because she couldn't stand the thought of actually carrying & deliverying a baby of her own -- note the disgust on her face and the sarcasm dripping from her voice when she talks about the "joy of childbirth". And yet she then went on to have at least one kid of her own the normal way...
    • Of course, there IS always adoption...
    • On a related note, it also becomes even more ironic when in Batman: Arkham City, Harley Quinn did actually carry and deliver a baby of her own.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Joker, again. One of the rare cases where it overlaps with Complete Monster.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Batgirl calls out Harley for crossing hers by going along with Joker's plan.

Batgirl: How could you let him do it, Harley?
Harley: Ok, so he roughed the kid up a little, but I'll make it right.
Batgirl:'re mother of the freaking year!

    • In an odd case of it crossing over into real life, Hamill said that he found this version of the Joker unnerving to do.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The Joker is this incarnate. The "Joker's back in town" scene and the flashback is enough to convince you with it.
    • Particularly the following quote, which was positively chilling...

Joker: We couldn't adopt legally, but then we remembered you always had a few spare kids hanging we borrowed one...

    • When Terry heads back to the Batcave after being assaulted in the nightclub, he finds the clock smashed, "HAHA"s spray-painted all over the cave (and it's worse in the uncut version of the film; the paint is blood red) and worst of all, finding Bruce on the floor by the computer apparently dead from Joker toxin. Possibly, the scariest thing ever in the DCAU.
      • That scene is also a Call Back to the HAHA's in the first episode of the series, when the (regular) Jokerz murdered Warren McGinnis. Extra trauma for Terry.
    • One could argue the uncut version is more dark, but Bonk's death in the re-edit version has him hit with Joker gas, dying of laughter as slowly as possible with his teammates looking on in fear.
    • The climax of the film, particularly when the Joker rips off Terry's mask and gets right up in his face as he strangles him. You literally cannot get more personal in an attempted murder than that.
    • The scene where we see just what the Joker did to Robin. And the edited version of it looked even worse. Just... that look on Batman's face as he sees the film.
    • "You've lost, Batman. Robin is mine. The last sound you hear will be our laughter."
      • Hamill's delivery is the best/creepiest part: soft, intimate, completely serious.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The film made it look like the new Joker was Tim Drake, who had finally succumbed to his madness after the torture and brainwashing inflicted by the Joker long ago, and adopted the Joker persona for himself. This would be believable in the context, it would be much more powerful and tragic than the actual story, and it would give the Joker the last laugh from beyond the grave, which would be in keeping with his presentation in the movie up until that point. It would actually have made a pretty good Batman film. Instead, there's a suspension-of-disbelief straining explanation about a mind-control chip and magical DNA. Though one has to wonder if the stated potential idea would have been even possible to get past the censors.....
  • The Woobie: Tim Drake, oh so much.
  1. Though he does get a prime piece of villainy to stick on his trophy rack from this movie by capturing and subjecting Tim Drake to some truly vile torture.
  2. Bonk, Chucko, Ghoul, Dee Dee, and Woof
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