Batman: The Movie/Headscratchers

  • Where were those hidden cameras? Why were all the villains mugshots taken in Ms. Kitka's apartment?
    • Obviously that was Catwoman's apartment - being evil doesn't mean they aren't frugal. I assume The Riddler had them taken and sent them to the police department after they escaped. The hidden cameras are exactly where they needed to be.
    • How come Bruce didn't recognize the scenery when he came by for his date with Ms. Kitka?
  • If the Penguin only gave the Navy his P.O. box, where did they deliver the submarine to?
    • They kept it behind the counter at the post office and put a little slip in his box.
    • Alternatively, the Penguin might have sailed the submarine straight out of wherever it was docked, and he just got them to send the receipt to his P.O. box so he could get a refund in case anything went wrong with the submarine.
  • Why is the Bat-Shark Repellent in the Batcopter? How many sharks do they think they're going to run into flying around?
    • He's Batman. He's not just Crazy Prepared, he's Batman prepared. Besides, it happens.
    • To hell with the Shark Repellent, why does he have Whale Repellent? And if he has that, why does he need the other three?
      • Anything that would repel a whale would probably be fatal to a much smaller creature. Batman doesn't want to kill them.
  • Why do the Joker and Penguin don domino masks when invading the UN Summit? One wears a signature purple suit and the other has a pink hat and irregular nose. It's not like their identities are any safer.
    • It seems to work just fine for Robin.
    • Robin hasn't been in jail several times, and thus doesn't have a known identity. The villains, however, are so distinctive that you're going to say, "Hey, it's The Joker!" whether he's got a domino mask on or not.
    • It’s just stylish. Oh, and they also find them terribly comfortable. Everyone will be wearing them in the future.
  • How come on some days, I just can't get rid of a bomb?
    • You're just being shy. All you need to do is politely ask the nuns to get out of the way.
  • The Gotham police have a direct land-line connection between their HQ and the Batcave (the red phone). How has this never been used to figure out Batman's secret identity? Presumably the GCPD respect Batman too much to try, but why haven't the villains ever thought of trying to trace incoming or outgoing calls from that phone?
    • Do the villains have access to a phone in the middle of the police station?
    • Actually, in one episode of the series, the Penguin frames Batman to make it appear as if he's behind a new wave of crime. Gordon attempts to have the tech guys trace the call, but Batman being Batman, he has a fail safe that sends the signal bouncing call over the country, making it impossible to trace.
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