Basket Case
Basket Case is a 1982 horror film by Frank Henenlotter. It was followed by two sequels, Basket Case 2 in 1990 and Basket Case 3: The Progeny, in 1991.
Young Duane is a nice young man from the country who has arrived to New York, carrying with him a big basket. It actually contains his deformed separated Siamese twin brother, Belial, and they both want to get revenge on doctors who forcefully separated them when children, trying to kill Belial.
Please not do not confuse it with the Green Day song of the same name.
Tropes used in Basket Case include:
- Ax Crazy: Belial.
- Babies Ever After: Basis of the third film.
- Disproportionate Retribution
- Face Heel Turn: Although Duane originally just wanted to get revenge on the doctors who forcefully separated him from Belial, he is obviously shocked from the latter raping Sharon and tries to get rid of him. By the sequels, he turns cold-blooded and has no qualms for letting people die for trivial reasons.
- Homage: The second film seems to homage the original Freaks film and the horror comic Beautiful Freak.
- Humongous Mecha: Belial gets one in the third film, allowing him to battle the Sheriff.
- Madwoman in the Attic: Type 1.
- Moral Dissonance: Boy, we are definitely not guaranteeing you will be rooting for these guys in the sequels...
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: When you're called Belial - the name of a demon -, it is obvious you're not going to be much of a party man.
- Rape as Drama: Belial rapes Sharon in the first film.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Belial's raping of Sharon makes Duane tell he's had enough of him.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Belial's eyes glow red when he is having evil thoughts.
- Sliding Scale of Comedy and Horror: The first film is dark and gritty. The sequels are sillier and introduce some humor (although dark.)
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Granny and the other freaks in the sequels.
- Villain Protagonist: Duane and Belial become this by the sequels.
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