Barney and Friends/Heartwarming
The Whole Series
- The song Someone to Love You Forever. Taken Up to Eleven in Barney Live in Concert: Birthday Bash, notably for one who watched the series as a kid.
- Everyone is Special, which describes that being yourself is wonderful, fills the same niche as Someone to Love You Forever, but in a more upbeat tempo.
- For people the song doesn't annoy, I Love You is a heartwarming song.
- The song "It's Good To Be Home."
The Backyard Gang
Season One
- Derek and Michael spend a whole episode arguing over who gets to keep a picture they made together. They bury the hatchet, and give it to Tosha.
- When she doesn't know what to give Barney for his birthday, Kathy offers him her teddy. He gently declines the gift, telling Kathy that while presents are nice, she already gave Barney the best gift of all: "the gift of love."
- The season finale has Barney sharing a gift that will always show him and his friends someone special. It's a mirror.
Season Two
- This exchange, from "The Alphabet Zoo":
Shawn: Jason, can you teach us how to say something else by signing?
Jason: Sure, and here's one that's easy to do, and you can say it to very special friends, like Barney.
- Signs "I love you, Barney" and gives him a hug*
Barney: Aw! *signing* Thank you, Jason.
Shawn: What did you say, Jason?
Jason: I said,*signing* "I love you, Barney."
Season Three
Season Four
Season Five
- "What's in a Name?" Even though Chip is obviously concerned that he will miss his baseball game, he offers to help her to learn all of the letters in her name.
Linda: Thank you, Barney. And thanks, Chip, for helping me today.
Chip: Hey, what are big brothers for?
As they leave, the look on Chip's face says "I am so proud of her", and the look on Linda's face says "I have the greatest big brother in the world!"
Season Six
Season Seven
Season Eight
Season Nine
Season Ten
Season Eleven
Season Twelve
Season Thirteen
Barney's Great Adventure
- Cody admitting that Barney's a pretty cool guy in the end
Other Media
Michael: We think you're a Super Dee Duper friend to all of us, too, Barney.
Linda: That's right!
Michael: From the oldest...
Linda: ...To the youngest!
All Present (except Barney): You can always count on us!
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