< Barbie Doll Anatomy

Barbie Doll Anatomy/Playing With

Basic Trope: A nude character lacks nipples, genitalia or both.

  • Straight: When a character's private parts are visible, the "important" details are missing.
  • Exaggerated: A character's entire body lacks detail.
  • Justified:
    • The character had surgery or a rare medical condition, causing a lack of detail.
    • The character is in "cyberspace" or some other form of out of body experience, the lack of details could even be a subconscious desire for modesty or enforced to avoid problems.
    • The character is in the middle of the fog.
    • The character is an android and doesn't need genitals, so they don't have them.
  • Inverted:
    • Gross Up Close-Up
    • A nude character is featureless except for their naughty bits.
    • A mascot based on a species with no external genitals is drawn with them.
  • Subverted:
    • A character seems to lack detail in the private areas, but it's just skin-colored patches.
    • Alternatively, as more commonly used in the Furry Fandom, the important parts are obscured by fur.
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...but when the patches are removed, nothing's underneath.'
    • When shaved, the furries still have nothing.
  • Parodied: The areas in question are rendered so as to look plastic, like on a Barbie.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Linda has no or malformed genitalia and suffers a gender identity crisis, gets made fun of in locker rooms, and struggles with self-image for several years.
    • Or, she dies at a very young age because she can't use the bathroom and the waste keeps building up.
  • Reconstructed:
    • ...but eventually stops worrying about what others think, gains a positive body image and decides to accept life as an intersexed or genderless person.
    • She still dies at a very young age because she can't use the bathroom and the waste keeps building up.
  • Zig Zagged: In one scene, the character is drawn with no detail, while in the following scene Fan Disservice-y levels of detail are shown, then the character is drawn with no detail again, and then a normal level of detail in the fourth scene.
  • Averted:
    • Characters are never shown nude.
    • They have ordinary genitalia.
  • Enforced: "Our target audience for this animated cartoon/comic strip/what-have-you is comprised of children who aren't allowed to see detailed human nudity."
  • Exploited: Linda becomes a naturist, rationalising that she needs no pants if there is nothing there to cover.
  • Lampshaded: "Why don't we have nipples or genitalia?"
  • Invoked: "Oh no. Bob's naked and Carol's too young to see that! Please let this be a Shonen.
  • Defied: The character with no detail hides it, usually with a mask or sorts.
  • Discussed: "I hate how Barbie dolls don't have anything down there; it's so unnatural."
  • Conversed: "Umm Alice? How did you and Bob...have Carol if you both don't...you know...?"

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