< Bamse


  • Anvilicious
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Vargen
  • Heartwarming Moments: "A liberating smile."
  • Memetic Mutation: "I have a built-in compass" said Skalman.
    • To elaborate, some fans took sound clips from the animated stories (which were heavily narrated) and put them together in nonsensical ways, all of which are hilarious for their absurdity. Specifically, that line above is said with no context whatsoever.
    • "And then he flew out through the window!"
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: Rune A. basically opened a letter column with this (in response to a letter he had received) then he spent the rest of the column explaining the Holocaust. To Pre-schoolers. And did it really well.
  • Tear Jerker: Vargen's backstory.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Vargen, the canonical main villain of the franchise, is of course black. This certainly doesn't have to mean anything, but considering how often it has been brought up amongst the Moral Guardians it deserves a place on here. Especially ridiculous since Bamse has always been a bastion of political correctness, and since Vargen, with his Freudian Excuse and eventual Heel Face Turn ended up as one of the most complex and sympathetic characters in the comic.
    • There's also the fact that its Bargens FUR thats black, which has nothing to do with race.
  • Villain Decay: Eventually, every villain aside from Krösus drifted into this, prompting the new villain Reinard to appear.
    • Perhaps strongest with Vargen. He used to be, essentially, the world's most feared criminal, and you would think he would have some cunning, willpower or skill from that career to employ being nice instead, but no.
  • The Woobie: Vargen. Just Vargen. Orphaned at an early age, raised by abusive stepfathers into a life of crime, befriends girl, stepparents decide to rob a girl's house, Vargen escapes with the girl's help. He tries to reform but is treated as a criminal, decides to take up a life of crime seriously, becoming World Champion of Nastiness, gets foiled by main character until he does a Heel Face Turn... And in the end, he does not even get the girl as she grew up and married someone else.
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