< Baleful Polymorph

Baleful Polymorph/Quotes

Facilier: Reformation Central!
Facilier: Transmogrification Central!
Can you feeeeeeeeeeeel it?
You're changing, you're changing, you're chaaaaanging all right,
I hope you're satisfied...
But if you ain't, don't blame me...

You can blame my Friends on the Other Side!
Oh, hi! So, how are you holding up? BECAUSE I'M A POTATO.

And you're having a ball, oh yes,
You're doing it all
Your filthy world's complete.
Then your face, it contorts
into that of a horse
And you've got no more hands and feet.
Watch your paradise turn into Hell.
You've got to buck it up.
You seek and you smell.

Oh well.
Doctor Steel, Donkey Town

Pit: Not this guy!
Palutena: An Eggplant Wizard.

Pit: But I don't wanna be an eggplant again!

I won three hands straight.
“Don’t you have anything to do? A wart to cut off, or something?”
“You asked him to play,” a kibitzing soldier observed.
“You like flies, Otto?”
“Going to turn you into a frog if you don’t shut your mouth.”
Otto was not impressed. “You couldn’t turn a tadpole into a frog.”
I snickered. “You asked for it, One-Eye.”

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