< Bad Lip Reading

Bad Lip Reading/Funny

Let's buy two big industrial windmills, I already got one - Who needs three? Well the first one, I broke it...

    • Then later on:


  • From Black Umbrella:

Extra lemon in my diet Snapple makes a girl happy, yeah that's right, s**t that's right, tea's got me jamming from head to toe.

    • And later... "I'm gonna get dumb and bang a wizard."
  • Nearly anything that comes from Gary LeVox's mouth, thanks to the new voice. Like the completely random "NGEEHEEHEEAAH!"(sic) at the end of "Hot Jumping Beans".
  • apl.de.ap's section in "Everybody Poops", especially when it's devolved into an utterly nonsensical rant by the end.

...and I hate those greenish potatoes with them SOGGY FIIISH STIIIIICKS!!! ÅÅÅ!!![1]

  • Will.i.am's interjections during the chorus of "Everybody Poops."

I be regular, bitches!

    • and then later:

Yamma yamma yamma!

I can tell I'm beginning to like Alejandro: he's brave and dapper and NOT DRUNK! And I loved his junk in high school, he's like a big, Swiss, hand rapist.

  • Nicki Minaj's "MEAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" at the very end of Dirty Spaceman.
  • There's something to be said for Bruno Mars doing that sideways-strut in Cool Shades going "Mirror, mirror on the floor, am I the prettiest in the store?"
    • "Is this Idaho? Because I will not limbo in Idaho."
  • Gary LeVox twirling around while singing "Bacoooooon!", followed seconds later by the equally What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome? sight of Justin Bieber falling to his knees and declaring "I'm hungry!".
  • Michael Bublé cites the Toilet Humor moments in "Russian Unicorn" among his personal CMoFs, like the point where he holds a note being reinterpreted as a gastric movement, and the moment where he sees the girl from his Imagine Spot for real being turned into a different sort of revelation.

"Yeah, she did it."

    • That girl is also his wife; the song is even funnier when you know that.
  • Mitt Romney: "In America, we have a song:"

"Ding dong llama wannee, jumpin' with an ice pick, she thinks I'm goin' in!"

    • "Thank you for the bench. Don't commit suicide."
    • "I said, 'Son, I don't wanna hear you speak bad about your mama.' And then he said, "F**k prison! I'm a party rapper, that's how I am! *applause*"
    • EHAHAH! Happy step-child.
  • Rick Perry: "Some do the Olympics, and some defy the titans. Ice cream."
  • Ron Paul: "HOO-HAH CHERRY SODA!"
    • And that bell that refuses to ring when it should.
  • Herman Cain: "It's just crazy, y'know? We ain't ever have this. An old rotten eagle's nest. Nachos and hogwash. This is my juice, and I'm hungry. Mcdonald's Special. Gimmie a large plate. Then I'll sing, sing, sing about it."
    • "Pouty people and whiny people, friends, SHUT YO ASS UP OR I'M GOIN' BACK TO SLEEP." *applause*
    • "If you like, let's watch Disney. It's like a time void, and will probably result in you thinkin' you an angel."
    • "Watch out for them spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiders, man. And big potato moths! Big potato moths. (Beat) Achoo!"
  • "Beard With Glue": "Quit sneaking off and punching little orphaned Brazilians".
  • Rick Santorum, throwing a football: "Get the Pop Tart!"
  • Newt Gingrich: "And I went poo-poo in the egg salad- Oh Mary, oh my garsh, that's not what I wanted to say... Cancer."
    • ...'Cause that's what happens when you're f***in' high.
  • Kimbra's comment to Gotye: "Ghetto lady thinks your froggy's name is Lou McGopher."
    • The way Gotye closes his eyes in shame after she asks him "Who really thinks you have a Waldo sack?"
  • Joe Biden: "My friends want to shave my behind. They're putting ants into my behind. A parakeet is on my behind!" (applause) "Why are you people clapping?! Thick concrete is up my behind!"
  • All of "It's Time To Rock", but standout lines are:
    • "Maybe it's just me, but I hate mixtapes."
    • "So, I ate a big rock, and don't think I'm a hog, but chicken smeared with funyuns, s**t really tastes good! I mean, I just ate some and it tasted so- *BURP* *wink*
    • Picking out the least flattering-looking frames to enforce the stoner image (these are mostly in the latter half of the vid) is one thing, but the additional smoke effects even match the lip flaps so you'd swear they were exhaling it.
  1. That's the only way this troper's mind can concieve of the "angry noise" in text. It must be heard to be believed.
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