Back to the Future: The Game/YMMV

  • Accidental Aesop: The ending of Episode 5 is sort of the logical conclusion to the entire series and films. Screwing around with the timeline keeps fucking things up til you have three older Marty's begging young Marty for help, all from different timelines. At that point, Doc just shrugs and tells Marty to ignore them. Now is important.
    • It's actually brought up several times throughout all five episodes.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: So Michael J. Fox won't be voicing Marty...but his voice actor is spot on. Now we're at the last episode and...wait...WHAT?! Michael is gonna come back after all?!
    • Plus, he DID end up voicing Marty... sort of.
  • Broken Base: There is a certain friction that occurs between those who are longtime fans of the Back to the Future franchise and those who are longtime fans of the Telltale Games company.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Even after everything, it's hard not to feel kinda bad for 1931!Edna when Marty breaks her up with Emmett.
    • And then Crazy Mary!Edna. Humorous Insanity aside, it's hard not to pity exactly what The Slow Path, guilt, and loneliness have done to her.
  • Just Here for the Plot: Many non-gamers have taken interest in the game strictly for the Back to the Future story lineā€”much to the chagrin of the more avid gamers who are, overall, disappointed with the game play of the series.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Marty shapes up into a heroic version through the game.
  • Moral Event Horizon: (Episode 3) Edna Strickland could have passed for an extremely obnoxious Well-Intentioned Extremist until she has her husband, Citizen Brown, tortured and brainwashed at the end of Episode 3.
  • Player Punch: Citizen Brown's possible Face Heel Turn.
    • Seeing Citizen Brown die after being ran over by Etna.
  • The Scrappy: Edna Strickland, though this is intentional.
  • World of Woobie: The Citizen Brown timeline in Episode 3. Everyone seems on the verge of a nervous crackup due to the Dystopia of alternate Hill Valley, Marty seems like he's panicking about 86% of the time, and the only halfway normal person is a Delinquent who would probably be a child psychologist's field day. Even Brown himself comes off as a Tragic Hero.

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