< Babes in Toyland

Babes in Toyland/YMMV

  • Nightmare Fuel: The bogeymen
  • Funny Moments: For this troper, seeing a woman close her dress into the door. For some reason I just laughed so hard at it.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Barnaby crosses it in the 97 animated version with his attempted murder of Humpty Dumpty.
  • So Bad It's Good: The 1986 version, by far.
  • Special Effect Failure: In the disney version, one of the costumes' eyebrows falls down while the trees lead the cahracters off to Toyland. Not to mention, they obviously look rubber.
    • YMMV. Those trees were utter Nightmare Fuel for this editor as a child.
    • Then there's the 1986 version which takes it even further, one example being the Toyland set and costumes looking more like they belong in a cheap theme park attraction.
  • Values Dissonance: "I Can't Do The Sum."
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