< Azumanga Daioh

Azumanga Daioh/Heartwarming

  • Yukari-Sensei telling Kagura in the last episode that she does not need a memento from her time at high school, as she has all her fond memories in her head. Cue Kagura bursting into tears. Doubles as a Tear Jerker.
  • Maya coming back to save Sakaki and Chiyo from Kamineko and the local cats.
  • Sakaki staying at Chiyo's place for the night is one big Heartwarming Moment, since we get to see a side of Sakaki we haven't really seen before.
    • There's also the part in the anime in which Chiyo tells Sakaki that she looked cute playing with Mayaa. Considering Sakaki's issues with how she appears more intimidating than cute, this means a lot to her.
  • Yomi, Mascot Tomo, Chiyo and Osaka going on a victory march after the first culture festival.
  • The Blam of episode 09, where the girls are running and laughing among the clouds, particularly Chiyo and Sakaki lying on top of Tadakichi-san, laughing and hugging. It was probably just in Sakaki's mind, though. Still, it shows how much she loves her friends.
  • In episode 20, when Sakaki finally gets to pet a cat. Awwww.
    • Before that, she got to pet Tadakichi-san, and was so happy about it that she petted him for hours. It was both hilarious and heartwarming.
  • The end of episode 12 has Sakaki and Chiyo playing jump rope, after Chiyo had earlier reminisced about playing it with her primary school friends. Then Tomo shows up...
    • With Yomi and Osaka, all of whom join in, the whole thing cememnts into the viewer's mind just what kind of girls these are and the friendship they all share, and how much they care about Chiyo.
  • Chiyo, while in the penguin outfit, has trouble eating stuff because she can't get the food to her mouth while in the penguin suit. Osaka helps her out, and Chiyo reacts with sheer glee. It is the cutest. Thing. Ever.
  • Kagura and Chiyo hanging out in episode 19.
  • In the second last episode, Osaka makes up her own good luck charm to help pass her entrance exams: splitting chopsticks evenly. Everyone seems to make fun of her at the time. Later on, when Osaka goes for her final exam, we see Chiyo sitting down with a huge pile of single use chopsticks, splitting them in half, all for the sake of her friends.
  • Tomo starting a standing ovation for Chiyo in the last episode.
    • To elaborate, this is Tomo, who throughout the course of the series has been known to be the meanest and least sensitive of the group(it's her way of showing affection), she's liked to tease Chiyo up until this point in a mean, older sister, "because I can", kind of way. Then she seems to be the one who is the happiest for Chiyo at that moment and the most proud too. If anything, it's the moment that tells us she really does care.
  • Yomi running to and thanking her friends when she finds out she has passed her entrance exam.
  • The six main girls bowing to Yukari-sensei and saying "Thank you very much". Although the viewer doesn't hear it, the text comes up on screen, implying they did.
  • The final scene of the anime, where Chiyo says to herself that even though school has ended, the girls will still be the best of friends forever.
  • Sakaki rolling on the floor in happiness with Maya.
  • In the recent supplementary lessons, Osaka makes a stamp out of her eraser, and says she will stamp the book of anyone who is nice to her. She borrows Yomi's notebook, and before Yomi can finish saying she doesn't need any stamps, we see that Osaka has stamped 6 times in Yomi's book, and written "Thanks!" in between them. Awwwwww.
  • In the new chapters being released for the manga's tenth anniversary, Osaka makes a stamp out of her eraser for people who have been nice to her. When Yomi lends her her math notebook, Osaka decorates a page with the stamp, around the word 'Thanks'. It's implied that it's not even for lending her the notebook, but just for being friends with Osaka.
  • Graduation day for the girls in Azumanga Daioh. Chiyo named Valedictorian of her class + Tomo starting a chain reaction standing ovation = Wait...I-I got something in my eye...
    • And the moment immediately after, where in the midst of singing the graduation day song, Chiyo bursts into tears - and everyone turns to comfort her. Osaka offering Chiyo her "very expensive" tissues is pretty awesome, as well.
    • And then she tears up the box to make a collection box for their teacher (who had lost her wallet).
    • A couple episodes before that, you have Mayaa defending Sakaki and Chiyo from Kamineko and his new gang, which is heartwarming in itself. And then the scene of Sakaki and Mayaa playing, where Sakaki finally lets down her cool and emotionless façade, and we have the first time in the series where The Woobie is just...truly happy. It's pure murder on the heartstrings of cat-lovers and Sakaki fans alike.
    • Still earlier in the series, Nyamo turning down a job offer because she loves teaching so much. After seeing what the kids in her school are like, we can understand why.
    • Earlier in the manga, Osaka, being Osaka, comes up with the big idea that breaking a pair of disposable chopsticks apart evenly is a good-luck charm to help pass their final exams. When the day of the exams finally comes, Chiyo-chan, who's going to college in America and doesn't need to take them, wants to do something for her friends as they take their tests. So she buys several hundred sets of Chopsticks and starts pulling them apart, one by one...
    • The chapter caps in the manga of Azumanga Daioh are adorned with two words that always choke twist this troper's heart in a loop: "You Belong"
  • Episode 19, "One Spring Night." Chiyo's and Kagura's conversation about growing up.
  • Episode 15, with Kaorin running alongside Sakaki.

You Belong.

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