< Azula Trilogy
Azula Trilogy/YMMV
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YMMV tropes in this Fan Fiction include:
- Alas, Poor Villain: Azun and Wei Ming.
- Character Alignment (These were added by the author and can be considered Word of God):
- Azula starts her canonical Neutral Evil, spends most of the series a solid True Neutral and ends up probably Neutral Good.
- Ling is Neutral Good.
- Joti is Chaotic Good.
- General Azun and his soldiers are Lawful Evil.
- The Governor of Janxing and his nephew Bhan are Neutral Evil.
- Ursa is Lawful Good.
- Wei Ming, Jian Chin, Ilook, and Zhan Zheng are all Chaotic Evil.
- Ty Lee is Chaotic Good, having developed via the influence of the Kyoshi Warriors from her canon Chaotic Neutral.
- Complete Monster: Ilook and Zhan Zheng.
- Draco in Leather Pants: Averted. Azula's past is not whitewashed, and she isn't Easily Forgiven (nor is she a particularly good person until quite late in the game - her reasons for doing the right thing in most of Heart and Path are almost entirely selfish, though she does make progress).
- Word of God: One of the author's motivations for writing the series was to do an Azula redemption fic that didn't involve this trope, forcing her to actuall earn her Heel Face Turn. He likes to think he succeeded.
- Magnificent Bastard --> Guile Hero: Azula. She shows she's still got it even before she's completely sane again. The creator did a mighty fine job remaking this aspect of her character as Azula manipulates others for her grand plans just like in the actual series.
- Uncanny Valley: Wei Ming is just off from normal human appearance and behavior enough that she unnerves pretty much everyone she meets.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Wei Ming.
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