Ax 'Em

"On a cold winter night, in 1990, Mr. Mason, a mean and cruel Towns man, left his job for Home. After arriving home, He took a shotgun And killed his wife and Kids. Then is mean man Killed himself."
"When the police arrived they only Found the bodies of his wife, Daughter, and younger son. His mentally Ill son Harry Was not ever found."
"Legend has it, he will return In 13 years to revenge his family deaths."—The opening scroll.
Ax 'Em is a horror film made in The Nineties and distributed in 2002. It was directed, written, and produced by Michael Mfume.
In the beginning of the film, a group of people talk about the party while Harry, the "mentally ill son" from the opening scroll, kills people with a machete. He crashes the party and kills people for no reason at all, even though he was supposed to "revenge his family deaths."
- An Axe to Grind: An axe does appear once.
- Black Dude Dies First: The first victim in this film is the mumbling grandfather. Oh, and he's also the only victim to be killed by the villain's axe.
- Filler: The movie always has the group talking and eating. Granted, it's split with other scenes such as Brian's death, Rock trying to screw a female, and Tony taking a pee break, but it's still infuriating because the movie stops dead for a bit.
- Gainax Ending: The film doesn't stop with Harry dead. He's still alive.
- Hollywood Silencer: During the flashback, the "mean Towns man" kills his family. Note how they don't wake up when they are shot.
- Jump Cut: Used right before characters die.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Good luck trying to catch their names.
- Machete Mayhem
- The Nineties: This was made at that time, and it shows with the now out-of-date styles (a Mickey Mouse shirt a character wears).
- Plot Hole: Tons of them, ranging from how killing a group of people is the equivalent of "revenging Harry's family deaths" to Harry using a hatchet.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge/Revenge: Subverted. Despite saying that he would "revenge his family deaths," Harry doesn't even do that.
- Rouge Angles of Satin/Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma: The Opening Scroll.
- The Unintelligible: Literally everyone. Their dialogue, such as it is, is barely audible.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Yeah, what did happen to the white girl who trips every time?