< Awesome McCoolname
Awesome McCoolname/Playing With
Basic Trope: A character has a really cool name, made up of unusual components and/or in a setting that would make such an awesome name seem strange.
- Straight: Bob has a friend called Odysseus Obsidian.
- Exaggerated: Every single person on Earth has an impossibly cool name. Or everyone calls him "O." because if they heard his true name, their heads would explode.
- Justified: Odysseus' family members all have really cool names as a family tradition.
- Inverted:
- In a world full of cool names, there is one unfortunate man named Bob Bland.
- Also, Unfortunate Name and Fail O'Suckyname.
- Subverted: Everyone treats Odysseus' name like it's just another name.
- Doubly Subverted: ...Except for Bob, who really thinks it's a cool name.
- Parodied:
- Odysseus makes a big show of introducing himself, expecting everyone to fall down in awe at hearing his name.
- Alternatively, the character's name is ridiculously long and used in full every time it is said.
- Everyone treats Bob's name like it's a really cool name.
- Deconstructed: Odysseus hates his unusual name because the other kids make fun of him. He resents his parents for giving it to him and changes it the first chance he gets.
- Reconstruction:
- Odysseus' old name was boring and plain, so he changed it to something more exotic.
- Odysseus' name reflects a personal change he went through in his life, prompting him to get a new, cooler name to distance himself from the person he was.
- Zig Zagged:
- Odysseus changes his name several times, from mundane to awesome and back again.
- Odysseus changes his name every time he introduces himself: Obsidian, Brimstone, Onyx, Mithril, etc. Bob calls him out on this, and reveals his real name: Smith. Everybody laughs it off for a while... but then they start thinking: what is the profession where men work on raw materials to make incredible weapons?
- Averted: No one has unusual/cool names.
- Enforced: "I've got a really cool idea for a character name! Let's use it!"
- Lampshaded: "Dude, that's such a cool name!"
- Invoked: A baby is given a cool name after much discussion between the parents.
- Defied: A cool name for the new baby is rejected by the parents in favor of something more conventional.
- Discussed: "Did you hear what the name of that new kid is? It's so cool it's ridiculous!"
- Conversed: "What am I going to call him? I was thinking either Xerxes, Ozymandias or Indiana. Which one do you like best?"
On the birth certificate is your Awesome McCoolname.
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