< Awesome Bosses

Awesome Bosses/Kirby

The pink puffball with the huge appetite has faced his fair share of awesome bosses over the years. After all, the games generally have harder bosses than levels.

  • The battle against Marx in the final part of Kirby Super Star. It's even more fun if you try to defeat him without using any abilities whatsoever (it is possible), which ups the awesome factor even more.
    • Marx SOUL from the True Arena. It's Marx, more powerful, more awesome, and most of all, more INSANE. His maniacal laugh, crazy rolling eyes, and final scream as he falls apart all make him both a Most Awesome Boss and (relatively mild, but still) Nightmare Fuel.
  • The boss battle against Miracle Matter in Kirby 64 is a battle against a bizarre shapeshifting 20-sided die who is capable of mimicking all of Kirby's abilities in some shape or form who can only be damaged by whatever ability he's mimicking at the time. (Good luck beating it if you haven't figured that out.) There's at least eight different forms he uses to attack you, some of which are honestly pretty hard to avoid, he switches forms at random, and he can only be hurt (and even then it's only a slight chip off the HP bar visible at the bottom) when he's in the middle of attacking you. Still one of the lengthiest, most interesting fights in the whole franchise. The music's pretty rad too. Unfortunately, it's not on the OST.
  • Computer Virus is probably one of the most hilarious bosses of all. Sure, it ain't the hardest of all the bosses, but anyone who's got any experience playing RPGs will have a chuckle at it. Puffiness, Level Up!
  • Anytime you fight Meta Knight, especially when using a sword.
  • Galacta Knight, the final boss of Meta Knightmare Ultra. Think Meta Knight as an angel... a really powerful angel. Oh yeah, we did mention that you fight him as both Meta Knight and Kirby, right?
    • He returns in Kirby's Return to Dream Land as a Bonus Boss, being fought in the True Arena as the third to last opponent[1]. Unless you saw his picture in the end of the Extra Mode Credits, this fight is only foreshadowed by easily missed details in the appearances of Stone Kirby and Metal General. The fight itself is... mediocre, at best, until, like many bosses in the game before him, he turns red. His theme music kicks in and he starts wiping the floor with you with upgraded versions of his previous attacks and throwing out new attacks. Good luck going through all the previous bosses after you die, one of which is the OTHER Bonus Boss.
  • Yin-Yarn's second form in Kirbys Epic Yarn.
    • Squashini was also a pretty good fight. Especially with the giant roulette (when it isn't completely aggravating).
  • 0^2 from The Crystal Shards was some serious Mood Dissonance with almost the entire rest of the game, considering the Crowning Music of Awesome that served as the BGM, the Amazing Technicolor Battlefield (dark and drab unlike the backgrounds of pretty much every other level in the game), and the Unexpected Genre Change to a rail shooter. And the boss itself is a giant, winged eye with a halo and a sickeningly-green tail. The eye is also bleeding.
    • Its original incarnation, 0 from Kirby's Dream Land 3, attacked by shooting its own blood at you. And this is a Kirby game we're talking about.
  • Drawcia from Canvas Curse/Magic Paintbrush. Tough as nails when you first fight her, especially if you have no clue what you're doing. Once you've figured out how her attacks work, though, she's an absolute blast to fight against.
    • The Japanese version explains how Drawcia is actually 0. Motherfucking 0.
  • The Cloaked Nightmare at the end of the second game, especially considering the race against time for his first form, his demonic second form, and several strong attacks (then again, he doesn't look as imposing in the GBA remake).
  • Masked Dedede in Super Star Ultra, for being the most epic fight against Dedede ever and having an uber-awesome remix of Dedede's theme (which is already awesome in its own right).
    • The Arena's WADDLE DEE. Come on, everyone knows he's the hardest boss in any game ever!
  • While not up to the level of other Kirby bosses, the final battle of The Amazing Mirror culminates in a shoot-em-up, and once you bring its health bar to zero, the credits roll and you can still beat on it.
  • It really only counts because of the nostalgic value, but the final boss in the original Kirby's Dream Land against King Dedede is incredibly awesome. It's what started the rivalry, and all.
  • Fighting Dedede is generally awesome all around, but perhaps the crowning one was in the Adventure remake, Nightmare in Dreamland, mostly because of how HUGE he is in this one.
  • Kirby's finishing move against Magolor. So much Sword.
    • And after you barrage him with that Ultra Sword, he goes even more One-Winged Angel and turns into a big, black sphere of darkness with big red eyes. His stomach is pure white with an eye that is actually Dark Matter. This is without going into the Extra Mode version.
  • Goriath, also from Kirby's Return to Dream Land, is an excellent boss battle. His EX fight even has a Spirit Bomb attack!
  1. though the two opponents after him are the same guy, so he pretty much fulfills the same role as in Super Star Ultra's True Arena
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