Away We Go
Away We Go is a 2009 comedy-drama directed by Sam Mendes and starring John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph. The film centers on the main couple, Burt and Verona, who are expecting their first child when they suddenly have to find a new home. What follows is a series of encounters with old friends and relatives, other parents with wildly different styles while the couple try to figure out how to raise their impending offspring.
As you can guess from the subject matter, it's a wellspring of parenting and pregnancy tropes.
Tropes used in Away We Go include:
- Babies Make Everything Better: The film ends before the birth, but it seems to be heading this way.
- Big Brother Instinct: Burt after his brother's wife leaves him and his young daughter.
- Bumbling Dad: An expecting version.
- Feuding Families: The main couple and Burt's cousin's very crunchy family.
- Good Parents
- Law of Inverse Fertility: The pregnancy was accidental.
- Lighter and Softer: Once you compare this movie to Sam Mendes' previous films.
- No Pregger Sex: Averted.
- Only Sane Man: Burt and Verona, at various points.
- Parental Obliviousness / Parental Abandonment: The plot is kicked off when Burt's parents leave the country, renting their house to strangers (after briefly promising it to Burt and Verona) and seeing no problem with missing out on the birth as well as the first two years of their grandchild's life.
- Additionally, late in the film Burt and Verona go to see Burt's brother to offer their support after his wife split, leaving no way of contacting her and apparently not planning to return. His main concern is how their 7-year-old daughter is going to handle her mom abandoning her like this.
- Papa Wolf: Verona has Burt promise that he'll fight for his daughter's fights.
- Directing Against Type: Most definitely given that Sam Mendes' previous works include American Beauty, Road to Perdition, Jarhead and Revolutionary Road, some not without their humor but all pretty serious and fairly cynical, a stark contrast to this film.
- Yandere: LN
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