Avatar: The Last Airbender/Recap/Book 3/19 Sozin's Comet Part 2: The Old Masters

"Today, destiny is our friend. I know it."

The episode opens with a view of the Earth Kingdom tavern from the previous episode. Inside of the tavern, June kicks a chair out and takes a seat. Sokka recalls that she helped Zuko attack them once and Zuko agrees with him. When June notices the Gaang, she does not look too pleased, although she does ask Zuko where his “creepy grandpa” is. Zuko responds that Iroh is his uncle and that he is not present. Seeing Katara, June makes a comment about Zuko having worked things out with his girlfriend. This prompts simultaneous outbursts from Zuko and Katara refuting her statement, to which June responds that she was just teasing and asks what Zuko wants. Zuko replies that he needs her help finding the Avatar, to which June says that it doesn’t sound like much fun. Zuko is angered by her response and steps closer to her, asking if she thinks the end of the world sounds like more fun.

Outside, Appa and the shirshu are facing each other down. Appa briefly growls at the shirshu before licking its face, upon which they both settle down. The shirshu turns its head toward the camera before the view shifts to June and the Gaang. June holds up a piece of meat and calls the shirshu’s name (Nyla) in a cajoling tone before throwing the meat out of sight. Nyla catches the meat and gulps it down before June comes over and strokes the shirshu affectionately. After avoiding a sudden lash of Nyla’s tongue, June asks who has something with the Avatar’s scent on it. Katara replies that she has Aang’s staff. June holds the staff out in front of Nyla, who sniffs at it. Nyla continues to sniff as she circles the group several times. Finally, she gives one last sniff before dropping to the ground and covering her face with her paws. Crossing his arms, Zuko asks what Nyla’s gesture means and June replies that it means that Aang is gone. Toph says that they know he’s gone and that’s why they’re trying to find him. June responds by saying “No, I mean he’s gone gone. He doesn’t exist.” The Gaang looks both puzzled and worried by this statement.

The forested island from the previous episode is seen from the ocean before shifting to show Momo chasing a chipmunk-like creature around a branch. Aang is shown walking under the branch and looking around. He asks Momo where they are, then suggests that he might be in the Spirit World. He shoots that possibility down because Momo can see him, then suggests that they could both be in the Spirit World. He then tries airbending and concludes that they are not in the Spirit World because his bending works. Finally, he suggests that they might be able to figure out where they are if they climb to the top of the island.

Exasperated, Sokka asks what June means by saying that Aang doesn’t exist, wanting to know if she means that Aang is dead. June replies that they could still find Aang if he were dead, saying that it’s “a real headscratcher” before mounting Nyla in preparation for leaving. Toph sarcastically comments that this has been helpful. Zuko then asks everyone to wait, saying he has another idea. He goes on to say that there’s only one other person who can help them face the Firelord and that he’ll be right back with a smell sample. An obviously stinky sandal with flies buzzing around it is seen before the view zooms out to show Zuko holding the sandal and Katara, Sokka, and Suki holding their noses and wincing away from it. Sokka questions Zuko’s saving of the sandal, to which Toph says she thinks it’s sweet. Zuko holds the sandal out in front of Nyla, who sniffs it a few times before taking off into the forest. The Gaang runs to mount Appa and follow June and Nyla. Nyla, with Appa flying behind overhead, runs across the land for the rest of that night, all of the next day, and into the next night. Finally, Appa is seen heading towards a breach in Ba Sing Se’s outer wall. The breach is seen head-on as Nyla runs into sight, then the view sweeps up the breach as Appa flies into sight. Appa comes in to land as Nyla pauses near the breach. Zuko comments that they are going to Ba Sing Se as Nyla scratches at the rubble from the breach. June tells him that Iroh is somewhere beyond the wall, saying that he can’t be too far away because Nyla is getting twitchy. She wishes them good luck and then Nyla lopes off. Zuko watches June and Nyla leave, then turns away with an annoyed expression on his face. He proceeds to say that it has been a long day and suggests that they make camp and restart the search at dawn.

The tops of some trees are seen before the view moves down to show Aang approaching a clearing with a flowerlike motif on the ground. An overhead view of the clearing shows that the motif is at the center of a hexagonal area. Aang comments on the shape and then says that it doesn’t seem like normal rock as he bends over and touches the ground. He tries an earthbending move, but nothing happens and he comments that it’s not made of earth. He sits down with his head in his hands, saying that he wishes he had help – he wishes he had Roku. He then sits up excitedly, saying that he does have Roku. He sits up straight, closes his eyes, and inhales visibly and audibly. He concentrates deeply as Momo scurries away. The light dims and a cloud of pale blue-white mist separates from Aang, moving across the clearing and forming into a humanlike shape. The lighting takes on a blue tinge and the mist settles into the form of Avatar Roku, seated on his knees with a blue mist-like aura surrounding him. Roku tells Aang that he is right and all of the past Avatars and their experience and wisdom is available if Aang looks deep inside himself. Aang asks Roku where he is and what this place is, only for Roku to hesitantly say that he doesn’t know. Roku then goes on to say that he can tell that Aang is currently lost in more than one way. Aang agrees, saying that he needs to figure out what to do when he faces the Firelord.

Zuko and Katara are sleeping on Appa’s side, while Sokka and Suki are asleep on Appa’s tail. Toph is snoring in her earth tent, but suddenly she wakes up, patting the ground. She stands up and sends her earth tent back into the ground. A line of fire comes racing along the ground, encircling the Gaang and Appa, trapping them near the rubble at the bottom of the breach in Ba Sing Se’s outer wall. The view sweeps across the Gaang from behind, coming to rest on four people in blue and white robes who have appeared at the top of the pile of rubble in the breach. The view zooms in to show Piandao, then sweeps left to show first Jeong Jeong, then Pakku, and then Bumi. Snorting and laughing, Bumi says “Well, look who’s here,” before the view cuts back to the Gaang. Sokka and Katara’s expressions change from worry to joy as they exchange a look, but the rest of the Gaang just looks at the siblings in puzzlement.

The forested island is seen from the ocean at night before the view shifts to the clearing where Aang is talking to Roku. Aang tells Roku that everyone is expecting him to kill the Firelord, but that he doesn’t know if he can do that. Roku explains how he tried to show restraint when he was the Avatar, but it backfired when Sozin took advantage of his mercy. He goes on to say that if he had been more decisive and acted sooner, he could have stopped Sozin and prevented the war from happening. He finishes by saying that Aang must be decisive, then dissipates to reveal Aang looking confused.

At the breach in the wall of Ba Sing Se, the ring of fire is gone and Piandao, Pakku, Jeong Jeong, and Bumi have come down off the pile of rubble to join the Gaang. Toph asks what is going on, saying that they are surrounded by old people. Katara responds that they are not just any old people, but are great masters and friends of theirs. She walks up to Pakku and bows to him in greeting. Pakku bows in reply, then says that while bowing to an old master is respectful, he would like a hug as he has become their new grandfather. Katara is momentarily shocked before her expression changes to one of happiness and Sokka is dumbfounded. Katara then embraces Pakku, saying that he and Gran Gran must be very happy to have found each other again. Pakku goes on to say that he even made Kanna a new betrothal necklace. Sokka hugs Pakku around the neck, saying “Welcome to the family, Gramp Gramp.” Pakku pushes Sokka off of him, saying that Sokka can still simply call him “Pakku”. Sokka inquires about the name “Grand Pakku”, which is also rejected by Pakku. Jeong Jeong comes forward and bows to Zuko in greeting while Katara introduces him as being Aang’s first firebending teacher. Sokka and Piandao bow to each other in greeting before Suki asks how the men all know each other. Bumi replies that all old people know each other and Piandao elaborates by saying that they are all part of an ancient secret society that transcends the divisions of the four nations. Upon hearing this, Zuko names the society as being the Order of the White Lotus. Bumi confirms Zuko’s statement before Jeong Jeong explains that the Order has always been about philosophy, beauty, and truth. He then goes on to say that a month ago, the members received a call that they were needed for something important. Pakku continues the narrative, saying that the call came from Zuko’s uncle, calling Iroh a “Grand Lotus”. Toph says that Iroh is who they were looking for and Piandao replies that they will take the Gaang to Iroh. Bumi pushes forward, saying that someone very important is missing from the Gaang, only to ask Sokka where Momo is. Sokka replies that both Momo and Aang are gone. Bumi says that as long as they have each other, there’s nothing to worry about, then launches himself into the air using earthbending.

The forested island is again seen from the ocean at night before the view shifts to a tree branch with Momo’s ears sticking out from behind it. Momo flies over to land behind Aang before Aang asks for Avatar Kyoshi’s wisdom. As a scared Momo scurries away, another cloud of pale blue mist separates from Aang, settling into the form of Avatar Kyoshi. Kyoshi tells how Chin the Conqueror threatened the balance of the world and how stopping him allowed the world to enter an era of peace. Aang protests that Kyoshi didn’t really kill Chin, saying that Chin fell to his death because of his own stubbornness. Kyoshi states that she personally doesn’t see the difference, then goes on to say that she would have done whatever it took to stop him. Before she dissipates, she tells Aang “Only justice will bring peace.” Aang sits back and angrily says “I knew I shouldn’t have asked Kyoshi.”

Appa, the Gaang, and the White Lotus members are walking down a rocky path when Sokka asks how Bumi escaped his imprisonment in Omashu. Bumi responds by saying that he wasn’t the one who escaped – everyone else was. As Bumi tells how he was waiting for the right moment despite not knowing what it was, a flashback begins. Bumi looks up from the coffin-like box used to imprison him in Omashu to see the eclipse and decides that this is the right moment to act. Earthbending with his face, he uses roof tiles to pry off the front of the box, which drops to the ground, followed by Bumi himself. Five Fire Nation soldiers come rushing up and one of them asks Bumi what he is doing, thrusting his fist out in a firebending move as he speaks. The attempt at firebending fails to produce any flame and the soldier looks at his hand curiously before he and the other four soldiers try to firebend again. All of them fail to produce fire and they are stunned by their failure. Bumi looks puzzled, then grins in satisfaction as he realizes what is happening. He tells them that he is taking back his city, saying that the soldiers have no firepower and it’s time for some payback. He rides a small wave of earth past the soldiers and propels himself into the air, landing down in the city. He proceeds to use earthbending to rid the city of the factories that the Fire Nation has put in while the soldiers flee the city. While he is looking up at the statue of Ozai that has been installed at the top of the city, eight soldiers come running up behind him. He sends the soldiers flying with columns of rock, then sends the columns flying into the face of the statue, defacing it with a stone smiley face. Using earthbending, Bumi upsets the statue and knocks it over, sending it sliding down the city to the gate, where it crashes through the gatehouse and destroys the bridge to the city as it falls into the chasm. Bumi laughs as the statue disappears into the depths, then takes a bite from a green jennamite crystal. The flashback ends, showing everyone still walking along the rocky path. Suki expresses her admiration for Bumi’s feat of retaking his city all by himself before Bumi asks if they did anything interesting on the day of the eclipse. Zuko and Sokka exchange a look before denying that they did anything interesting.

Aang is thinking deeply with his hands on his head. He tells himself that he needs to look deep inside himself, then begins to concentrate. Another cloud of blue mist separates from Aang, settling into the form of a man in Water Tribe clothing. The man begins to speak, introducing himself as Avatar Kuruk. Kuruk explains that he was a "go with the flow" Avatar, having noticed that people tended to work out their problems on their own. He goes on to say that he lost the woman he loved to Koh and that it was his fault, since he could have saved her if he was more attentive and active. He ends by telling Aang "You must actively shape your own destiny and the destiny of the world." He then dissipates and Aang holds his head in his hands in despair.

Appa and the rest are walking along a path within sight of the inner wall of Ba Sing Se. They are headed toward a large camp sheltered within a valley. From within the camp, a some large rocks are seen sinking into the ground to reveal Bumi, with the rest of the combined group behind him. Bumi walks into the camp, welcoming the Gaang to "old people camp". Jeong Jeong, Pakku, and Piandao walk past Zuko while the teen looks around. Piandao pauses by Zuko’s as the prince hesitantly asks where his uncle is. Piandao points out a tent that is slightly larger and fancier than the others, tell Zuko that Iroh is in there. Zuko looks at the tent with disbelief before turning his head to the side, as if ashamed. He walks toward the tent, but pauses outside the entrance, giving the tent a forlorn look before he sits down. Katara walks up to him and asks if he is okay. Zuko replies that he is not okay, saying that he is certain that his uncle hates him, explaining how Iroh loved and supported him, only for Zuko to turn against him. Zuko finishes by saying that he doesn’t know how he can face Iroh. Katara asks Zuko if he’s sorry for what he did and when Zuko replies that he's more sorry than he’s been about anything in his entire life, Katara tells him that she knows his uncle will forgive him. Zuko thinks for a bit before standing up and walking toward the tent. He pauses right outside the entrance and takes a deep breath before pushing aside the door flaps. Zuko walks into the tent and pauses, saying "Uncle" while his eyes are closed. He is greeted by a loud snore. He opens his eyes and looks up to see his uncle sleeping soundly in the center of the tent. Zuko smiles affectionately and sits down on the rug that is between the tent’s entrance and Iroh’s sleeping mat.

The forested island is seen from overhead before the shifting to a view of Aang and Momo. Aang says that the past Avatars keep telling him that he has to kill the Firelord and that they don't get it. Momo chitters at him and Aang, almost as if replying to Momo, says that an Air Nomad Avatar might understand where Aang is coming from. Momo chitters at Aang again and Aang says that he knows Momo doesn’t really talk but pretending Momo does helps him think. Momo makes a rude sounding noise and Aang says “I’m going to pretend I didn’t pretend to hear that,” before settling into a meditative pose. Another cloud of pale blue mist separates from Aang, settling into the form of a woman in airbender robes who has a shaved forehead displaying the same arrow tattoo that Aang has. She introduces herself as Avatar Yangchen. Aang says that the monks always taught him that all life is sacred and Yangchen agrees with him. Aang explains that he’s always tried to solve his problems by being quick or clever, saying that he’s only had to use violence for necessary defense and that he’s never used it to take a life. Yangchen replies that she know Aang is a gentle soul and that the monks have taught him well, but that the matter isn’t about Aang – it’s about the world. Aang responds that the monks taught him that he had to detach himself from the world so that his spirit could be free. Yangchen says that many Air Nomads have detached themselves and attained spiritual enlightenment but that the Avatar can never do that because his only duty is to the world. She finishes by telling him "Selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs and do whatever it takes to protect the world." She dissipates and Aang drops his head in complete dejection, telling Momo that he doesn’t appear to have a choice – he'll have to kill the Firelord.

In the morning, the White Lotus camp is seen from above before the view shifts to the inside of Iroh’s tent. Zuko is sitting in the same position he was in last night. Yawning and stretching, Iroh sits up. He turns his head slightly to the side and notices Zuko, then turns his head away, saying nothing. Zuko struggles to control his emotions, then begins speaking. He says that he knows that Iroh must have mixed feelings about seeing him again, but that he wants Iroh to know that he is extremely sorry. While he is saying this, tears are welling up in his closed eyes and his voice is cracking. He opens his eyes, tears running down his cheeks, then continues, saying that he is so sorry and ashamed of what he did and he doesn’t know how he’ll ever make it up to Iroh. He closes his eyes again and is about to say more when Iroh reaches out and pulls him into a comforting hug. Tears are also running down Iroh’s cheeks as he holds Zuko in the embrace. Zuko asks how Iroh can forgive him so easily, saying that he thought Iroh would be furious with him and Iroh replies that he was never angry with Zuko, he was just sad because he thought Zuko had lost his way. Zuko says that he did lose his way and they pull out of the hug, Iroh holding Zuko’s shoulders and looking at him proudly. Iroh counters Zuko’s statement by saying that Zuko found his way again and that he did it by himself. He then says that he is very happy that Zuko has found his way to the camp, pulling Zuko into another hug. Zuko replies that it wasn’t that hard – Iroh has a very strong scent.

The hexagonal clearing is seen from above, showing Aang and Momo sleeping in the center of the pattern before shifting to a closer view of Aang. Aang yawns and sits up, then looks surprised. The view shifts to Aang’s point of view to show some mountains in the distance that appear to be increasing in size. Aang asks if it is just him or if the mountains are getting larger before he jumps up out of sight. The view shifts to show the emergent layer of the treetops. Aang jumps up into sight and lands on the top of the tallest tree. Momo lands on Aang’s shoulder and they both turn their heads toward the back of the island. The view sweeps to the left to show the churning water stretching out behind the island. Aang excitedly cries out that the mountains are not getting larger, they’re getting closer. He begins leaping down the island’s slope toward the edge, saying that the whole island is moving. A side view of the island shows a shadow in the water beneath it. Aang dives into the water, swimming further down the side of the dark shape. A rumble resonates through the water and a gigantic reptilian paw comes into sight, sweeping past Aang. Aang swims upwards and resurfaces with a gasp. He calls out to Momo, saying that the island is really the largest animal in the world. He then says that he has to swim around and find its face before starting to swim toward the front of the island with Momo flying along behind him.

The White Lotus camp is seen from above. There are little groups of people in the Order’s robes scattered about. The colors of the group in front of Iroh’s tent indicate that it is the Gaang and Iroh. The view shifts down into the group, showing Iroh, Zuko, Toph, and Katara. Zuko tells Iroh that he is the only person other than the Avatar who has a chance of defeating “the Fatherlord”. Toph asks if Zuko meant to say “Firelord” and Zuko responds that that is what he said. Iroh hums thoughtfully and Zuko says that they need him to come with them. Iroh replies that it will not turn out well, but Zuko insists that Iroh can defeat Ozai, saying that the Gaang will be there to help. Iroh admits that he doesn’t know if he could defeat Ozai and that even if he could, it would be the wrong way to end the war. He explains that history would just see it as a grab for power, saying that the only peaceful way to end the war is for the Avatar to defeat the Firelord. Zuko looks thoughtful for a moment, then asks if Iroh would take his rightful place as Firelord after Ozai is defeated. Iroh states that he will not, saying that someone new has to take the throne, “an idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor.” He then surprises Zuko by saying that it has to be Zuko who becomes Firelord. Zuko questions Iroh’s statement that he has unquestionable honor, pointing out the fact that he has made many mistakes. Iroh agrees that Zuko has made mistakes but goes on to say that even though Zuko struggled and suffered, he followed his own path and restored his own honor. Iroh finishes by saying that Zuko is the only one who can restore the honor of the Fire Nation and Zuko replies that he will try.

Toph asks what will happen if Aang doesn’t come back. Iroh replies “Sozin’s Comet is arriving and our destinies are upon us,” continuing by saying that Aang will face the Firelord. He then explains that he once had a vision of taking Ba Sing Se, but that he has only now realized that he is destined to take it back from the Fire Nation. Upon hearing this, Suki comments that that is the reason he gathered the members of the White Lotus. Iroh confirms her statement, then tells Zuko that he must return to the Fire Nation so that he will be poised to take the throne when Ozai falls and warns Zuko that Azula will be waiting for him. Zuko confidently states that he can handle Azula but Iroh says that he cannot do it alone. Zuko agrees with Iroh, then asks Katara if she would like to help him with Azula and Katara says that she would be glad to. Sokka asks about him, Suki, and Toph, wanting to know what their destiny is. Iroh responds by asking what Sokka thinks it is. Sokka replies that he thinks that even though they don’t know where Aang is, they need to do everything they can to stop the airship fleet. Toph adds that that means they will be right there when Aang does face the Firelord and Iroh smiles. The view changes to show Toph and Suki seated in a saddle, then zooms out to show that they are sitting on the back of a lizard-like creature while Piandao and Sokka are standing beside it. Piandao says that nothing is faster than a giant eel-hound, then tells Sokka where the airship base is, saying that they should be able to intercept the fleet within a day’s journey. Sokka thanks Piandao and they bow to each other before Sokka surprises Piandao by hugging him around the waist. Sitting on Appa’s head, reins in hand, with Katara in the saddle behind him, Zuko asks Iroh what he is going to do once the war is over, given that Zuko is going to be the new Firelord. Flipping a white lotus Pai Sho tile into the air, Iroh replies that after he reconquers Ba Sing Se, he’s going to reconquer his teashop and play Pai Sho every day. Zuko and Katara look at Sokka and Suki, who look back before Sokka nods to them. Katara says goodbye to Iroh, who responds in kind before saying that he knows that destiny is their friend on this day. The eel-hound runs out of sight and Appa takes off into the air as the members of the White Lotus wave farewell.

The unknown reptilian creature is still making its way toward the mountains. Aang swims into sight before taking a deep breath and diving under. Aang swims past circular markings on the creature’s head before stopping in front of its closed eye. The eye opens and Aang spins around to face it before he is lifted upwards by the creature’s paw. The creature’s head emerges from the water, followed by the paw that Aang is standing on. An overhead view shows that the trees on the "island" are growing on the creature’s back. Aang names the creature as being a lion turtle and bows to it. He then says that maybe the lion turtle can help him, explaining how everyone – even his own past lives – are expecting him to kill someone, but that he doesn't know if he can do it. The lion turtle tells Aang "The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can touch the poison of hatred without being harmed." Raising its other paw out of the water, the lion turtle raises two claws to Aang’s forehead and chest, saying "Since beginningless time, darkness thrives in the void but always yields to purifying light." As the claws make contact with Aang, everything is illuminated by green light spreading from the points of contact and Aang’s expression changes to one of awed realization. The lion turtle lifts Aang up to a cliff and Aang steps off of its paw and onto the cliff. The lion turtle tells Aang “Wait for him, he will come,” and Aang bows to it before it sinks back into the water and backs away, appearing to be an island once more.

A volcano is seen at night before the view changes to show Ozai in his Phoenix King regalia. He is standing on the edge of the volcanic caldera and there are two rows of airships on the ground in the caldera behind him. Ozai says "It's time for this world to end in fire and for a new world to be born from the ashes," before the view changes to show the edge of the atmosphere with the comet approaching it. The comet begins to brush the atmosphere, which turns red while the comet glows a bright orange. The view shifts back to Ozai, who watches the horizon as the sky turns red. The view then changes to show Aang standing on top of a pillar of rock, looking solemn. There is a brief view of the comet burning through the atmosphere before it shifts back to a serious and determined looking Aang, then sweeps up to show the comet shining brightly in the sky, framed by some mountains.


Bumi: Wait! Someone's missing from your group. Someone very important. Where's Momo?

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