Avatar: The Fall of the Fire Empire/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Shiyan, who sinks into catatonia after accidentally killing the person she was raised to see as a living god.
  • Complete Monster: Old age has made Azula even worse than her father, with her fear of death making her more unstable and desperate than ever. It's pretty unnerving coming from the same author who was able to give her a believable Heel Face Turn in the Azula Trilogy. It's also very much in-character and believable, too - she wasn't born a monster here or in canon, but by the end she was so far gone that only death could destroy the evil she has become.
    • Gian also counts. Late into the first story arc, he kills a young Earthbending slave girl in cold blood after she has helped him (against her will), simply because he has no further use for her. He's also revealed to be an Earth Kingdom man who essentially exploits his own people for profit, and admits as much to Jiazin without an ounce of guilt about it.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Azula of course, and also Qing Xi. Both of them openly admit that they have no real trust in each other, and just trust the idea that there would be no advantage to either betraying the other.
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