Avatar: The Abridged Series/YMMV

  • Crazy Awesome: Jet, if he does say so himself.
  • Ear Worm: Episode 10. "Highway to the danger zone!"
  • Fridge Brilliance: Jet is insane for suspecting that this harmless old man belongs to a secret organization, right? Except in Avatar, there is a secret all-powerful conspiracy of harmless-looking old men.
  • Reverse Funny Aneurysm: Jet's increasingly psychotic voice sounds more and more like Rorschach. (Bearing in mind that the graphic novel may predate Avatar Abridged, but The Movie doesn't.)
  • The Woobie: Aang. He realizes this, and tries to use it to his best advantage.

Aang:Oh, the destruction of this forest is making me so sad. If only someone were to hug or French kiss me, I would feel so much better.

    • Zuko even more so, he just can't get a break here.

Zuko: Oh this is just excessive!

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