< Austin and Ally

Austin and Ally/YMMV

  • Ear Worm: Many of the songs.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Nothing more to see here
  • Fridge Brilliance: The theme song "Without You" appears to just be about Ally, but it shows he can't do it without all his friends, saying "You're my point (Dez, his best friend), you're my guard (Trish, his manager), you're the perfect chord (Ally, his songwriter)".
  • Fridge Logic: Why were Dez and Trish afraid of Face Puncher? Do they not realize that they are minors and him punching either of them would be a serious crime?
    • It's revealed in "Film Making and Fear Breaking" that Austin has a fear of umbrellas because the handle of one got hooked in his pants and made him lose them when he was young. Dez was there that day but not present when Austin lost his pants. This would explain the Running Gag of Dez offering Austin his pants- he feels guilty about not being there to help his friend and is over-compensating as a result.
  • Ship Tease: Take a guess
  • True Art Is Angsty: Ally's songs.
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