< Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan/Trivia

  • Hey, It's That Voice! Moyuru Koda has this burning desire to join the Survey Corps to kill all titans.
    • Sei Osakabe is the last Asian in the whole world.
    • Azusa Asahina's quick thinking gets his friends out of jams and sticky situations.
    • Bulla joins the Military Police Brigade (and with secrets of her own).
    • Aloy stole some potatoes from the higher ups.
    • Black Vise puts the Survey Corps into a cleaning routine were they clean the stables and whatnot until it's dust free.
    • Tiramy is a mad scientist who experiments on titans and loves every moment of it.
    • Esther Lee is the leader of the Garrison Corps.
    • Seijuro Mikoshiba joins the Survey Corps after graduating.
    • Seiji Onozawa joins the Survey Corps instead of following suit with his best friends.
    • The goddess, Athena, by fate, met Krista and became more than fire forged friends.
  • The Wiki Rule: The Attack on Titan Wikia.

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